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Lutron controlled home lighting is not responding to commands from AMX AXD-CP4/A display.

I have a legacy (2003) Luton Homeworks system interfaced to AMX Netlinx and multiple AMX AXD-CP-4/A touch displays. After a serious thunderstorm, the house lighting is not responding to the AXD display. I have confirmed that the Lutron processor is operating normally. I have been unable to find a troubleshooting guide for the AMX NXI and the AXD-CP4/A display. The status light on the NXI is steady green. However, there is a steady red light in position 1 of the IR/Serial indicators. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have removed and replaced the power on both the NXI and the power supply.


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    edited July 2022

    Status steady green means the NXI program isn't running. It should blink about once per 2 seconds. This is the AXLINK heartbeat. The panels can't work that way. The stuck indicator for IR is a bad sign too. Unplug the AXLINK from the NXI, and the IR for the first IR port, try again. If still the same light conditions, the NXI is likely toasted. If you have the AMX tools (Netlinx Studio, IREDIT) and the knowledge, you MIGHT be able to save your program and move it to a replacement processor. They are cheap on ebay, but you have to hope to get a good one.

    If the NXI wakes up and blinks and the IR clears when disconnected from the house, there's a short or toasted device on one or both of the AXLINK and the IR. Find it by process of elimination.

    The documentation for these devices is on the AMX site, though you need to read the menus carefully to find the LEGACY sections... they are not obvious. But on this issue they aren't going to help much more than what I wrote above... and REPAIR of the NXI or a CP4 won't happen... at the near giveaway prices for these antiques, just replace with used.

  • rmccourtrmccourt Posts: 3

    Thank you for the quick response. It turns out I was mistaken. The status light is actually blinking. I pulled the Position 1 wire insert and reset it but it is still solid red. Not sure of my next move but thank you. Is an upgrade available for the entire AMX system?

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    If the IR indicator stays on with nothing attached, and persists after a power cycle of the NXI, that unit is clearly not right. Your system is 20 years old and there have been multiple generations of AMX systems since then. (Same for the Lutron system.) You'll need an AMX dealer and discuss options. Where are you located? Is the only purpose of your AMX system to operate lights?

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