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IREdit installation problems


There are several threads on here asking how to install IREdit on a modern PC.

They go something like this:
1) Install IR Edit System Files
2) Install IR Edit
3) Install AMX IR Database
All of these installers should be run in Compatibility mode for Windows XP SP 3.

However, IR Edit System files installer gives an error about an exception.
And the IR Edit installer just says that NET is not installed and will not go further.

On this forum, there are several fixes posted for this problem as well.
One of them is this one: http://workblog.pilin.name/2013/11/how-to-install-net-framework-11-on.html

However, Microsoft seems to be no longer hosting the .NET files needed for this fix.
According to this page, they only provide .NET 2.0

Quote: This version includes .NET Framework 2.0 (the release that follows .NET Framework 1.1), which is supported on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11.

What should I do and where do I get the files in order to get IREdit installed?
How can I fool the installer so it would unzip the files?
AMX please repackage this software!


  • I have the feeling that the only thing that is not working is the installer itself and the .NET version check it tries to make. I believe IREdit would run fine if only the installer would install it!

  • Alternatively, what options do I have to create IR files for Netlinx other than IREdit?

  • The "vert" app does conversion between AMX, Crestron and Hex. Last time I looked it was available for download at remotecentral ( I think, it's been awhile... as in +10-years since I've had to touch an IR file in anger )

  • Vert might work! Great program. But next problem is that I cannot view the resultant IRL file contents and thus am not sure which channel to push on the IR driver. Do the channels start from 1?

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Due to the issues with IREDIT and the reality that it can't really be avoided, I created a Virtual Machine file from an ancient Windows XP laptop just for use when I must do IR things. VMWare Workstation is free, recently updated to 16.2.4 and old images are handled well with all the updates so far.

  • So I'm gravitating towards installing a Windows XP virtual machine. This is ridiculous.
    I would say I can't believe it, but unfortunately I do.
    AMX... Save face and please fix this.

  • Marc ScheibeinMarc Scheibein Posts: 910
    edited October 2022

    Find attached an archive with the required files and the instructions to install .NET 1.1 manually.
    Doesn't include the IREditSetup.exe .
    Use at own risk!
    I installed with that way IREdit on Win11 successfully in June 2022, don't know if Windows itself may block it now in any way.

  • The download from MS is not required, the files are in the archive and already renamed for the further instructions.

    So the steps are:

    • create a folder c:\DotNet
    • copy the files dotnetfx.exe and dotnetfxsp.exe of the archive to c:\DotNet
    • in cmd shell, copy/type (w/o the < >): <dotnetfx.exe /c:"msiexec.exe /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR=C:\DotNet">, follow installer instructions.
    • in cmd shell (w/o the < >): <dotnetfxsp1.exe /Xp:C:\DotNet\netfxsp.msp>
      -> This I did not get executed in my setup. But I got IREdit installed anyway, ignoring this step

    • execute netfx.msi, let it run.

    After this procedure, IREditSetup.exe could be launched and will install IREdit.

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