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Backgrounds and graphics

Trying to add logos to my backgrounds while in TPDesign5. going through Main/Bitmap and add my background pattern. Now I want to add a logo or two on top of the background and still be able to move those around. Is this possible or do I have to make a new background?


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    You simply make a new button the size of your logo. You do not need to assign it a channel or address number unless you want to use it to trigger something, or show and hide it.

  • I am still new to this, sorry, Is there a way to scale down the graphics in the new button? grabbing the corners does not do it.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    Unfortunately no, TPDesign does not yet allow scalable vector graphic or resizing of images. You will need to resize your image to fit the application. My suggestion would be to draw a button and play around with the sizing to find the pixel sizing you need to make in your image.

  • ok cool, thank you. this will be a simple way to get it working. i was making it to complicated...

  • @tbyrne said:
    I am still new to this, sorry, Is there a way to scale down the graphics in the new button? grabbing the corners does not do it.

    The images can be set to scale with the button

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