CallTips Not Populating Names
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm using a new laptop and Netlinx Studio isn't pulling the full CallTip info when I'm using built-in functions. For example, instead of set_length_array( pulling up a tool tip showing 'string to modify,length' or whatever it's supposed to say, it just shows '(VARIANTARRAY A, CONSTANT LONG '
I have Netlinx.axi in my includes folder and it has the 'wrong' names in the built-in functions. I removed the file and reopened Studio to see if that was the issue, but it didn't change. Is there some other version of Netlinx.axi that I've lost that actually had the useful names??
From talking to coworkers the default tooltips seem to look like 'get_buffer_string(CHAR A[], CONSTANT LONG
Maybe I had AMXPI2 installed?? My old laptop(s) tooltips definitely said 'get_buffer_string( Array, Length)'
Maybe I had a hotfix version of Studio?? I'm currently on 4.4.1914
Hopefully this helps someone one day, or me in the future, but for whatever reason putting NetLinx.axi in my default Includes folder fixed it. I had a different file called Netlinx.axi and it wasn't working. I can't compare them because I let the 'L' version overwrite the 'l' file. FWIW the working NetLinx.axi is v1.53.