MVP 8400 Panel Intenal Sound Level
I have about 5 MVP 8400 panels and I incorporated a Count down panel, so lets say wife is baking bread and sets panel Countdown to 15 minutes - well when the countdown is done I play a sound like a doorbell to go off reminding her the timer is complete. I want to turn sound way up on the Internal Sound Level of the panel, play the doorbell sound and then adjust the Internal Sound Level back to where it was.
So lets say the Internal Sound Leve was set at 30, then before doorbell sound plays I want to ramp up to 80, play sound, and then set back to 30.
I dont know how to adjust this sound level, anyone have any ideas?
I have about 5 MVP 8400 panels and I coded a Count Down Timer module (attached photo 1). Lets say wife is baking bread and sets panel Countdown module to 15 minutes - well when the Countdown is done I play a sound like a doorbell to go off reminding her the timer is complete. I want to turn sound way up on the Internal Sound Level, from the Setup Panel , play the doorbell sound and then adjust the Internal Sound Level( attached photo 2) back to where it was.
So lets say the Internal Sound Level was set at 30, then before doorbell sound plays I want to ramp up to 80, play sound, and then set back to 30.
I dont know how to adjust this sound level, anyone have any ideas?
Upon entering into the menu pages, you should see a button to turn on the button address numbers. Once on, you can identify the system level number for the internal sound level. You should then be able to programmatically reference it by port and level number. I believe the port is 0.
are you talking about inside TPDesign4?
No, I would do it from the panel setup menu. The button is labeled FUNCTION SHOW similar to this image.

ohh i see what ur referring - so the Voulme buttons are channels 150-152.
152 - Mute
151-vol down
150- vol up
So to test out, I want to initiate a MUTE.
So if I goto Netlinx and do Emulate a Device (see attached panel5.jpg) and I put in port nbr and level, and click PUSH, -- nothing happens .
Or is there syntax for Send_command that can do what I want?
Like if I wanted to play a sound I do this:
SEND_COMMAND dTP_IO[nPNL],"'@SOU-','doorbell_4.mp3'";
So I would expect to issue a similar command to adjust the volume since I now know the volume channels are
150-152 and port is zero
EMULATE A DEVICE will act like a user pressed a button to trigger code to run
CONTROL A DEVICE will act like code triggered something
You want to use CONTROL A DEVICE for this test.
yes I did both - no success on either
Note- channel 152 is mute so if I execute this I expect all button pushes to be silent - they are not
Give support a call. You can use those buttons within your panel design, but it is possible that you are unable to programmatically control items on the loopback port.
ok found solution - called tech support - and we came up with the following on how to control the Master Volume
issue command to ramp up volume to 90
play sound
SEND_COMMAND dTP_IO[nPNL],"'@SOU-','doorbell_6.mp3'";
//WAIT A 5 SECONDS AND PUT VOLUME BACK TO LEVEL 50 -- 1/10 of a second so 50 is 5 seconds
SEND_COMMAND dTP_MAIN[nVol_adjust_Pnl],"'^VOL-50'";
Port must be 1 not zero
panel -10008
Port -1
System -0