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Has anyone any experience of these units?

I've got one here and I'd like to get the program off. I've tried Netlinx Studio (an up-to-date version), but it won't see it, despite putting the correct serial port parameters in. I'm guessing that the unit is just too old for the modern version of Netlinx.

As it appears to be just a serial device, the other way I'm thinking is just to connect the serial control output to a PC running something like HyperTerminal and make a note of the output.

Note that this is just a matter of interest, and is not urgent.


  • If it is an AXB-232 then it is just an expansion unit and there is no programming to extract. The AXB-232++ had the capacity to run an Axcess program... it's been <20-years since I touched one of those so don't think I'll be able to pull on enough memory strings to help mucj.

  • It is an EM232 (not EX, as I mistakingly put in the title). I'm sure it'll have a program on it - it connects via Axlink to an AMX AXB CPIL device. This device, as you may know, accepts button presses and converts them into an Axlink command (actually looks like it could be useful...more so than the EM232). The EM232, in turn, controls a solid state player - which is why I'm convinced that there is a program on it.

    I did manage to find manuals for both devices - the one for the EM232 does say that it can be programmed with Netlinx...but if they're around 20 years old, then I'm guessing it would need to be a really early version, seeing as V4 won't touch it.

  • Marc ScheibeinMarc Scheibein Posts: 911
    edited December 2022

    For AXcess Systems, you need Studio 3:

    It can be installed parallel to Studio 4.
    Studio 3 will share the common files with Studio 4, installation should not overwrite the newer versions of the shared files, but would be worth a look. Note the Studio4 versions listed in help->about NetLinx Studio, install Studio 3, and then verify the versions in Studio 4 again. If something was overwritten, install Studio 4 again.

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