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DVX-3150 Admin password reset ?

Hello I've got my hands on a DVX-3150 trough auction. Unfortunately it was not factory reset before.
I've tried to login but unsuccesful.
I would like to reset the password.
I tried to do it with the ID button but that was only on newer products and not on this DVX-3150.
Is there a way to reset it ?


  • Are all ports secured (web, telnet, serial)? We highly recommended to let open at least the serial port, as it is the last chance to reset password.... The NI based controllers don't have an external Factory Reset function. The only option is to let it re-flash by Harman, as even replacing the CF card with one of an unsecured DVX will not reset/remove the pw.

  • Like Marc said, if the program serial port is not password protected, you can connect with a terminal program (like that in NS or Putty and many more) and issue the RESETADMINPASSWORD command.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    edited January 2023

    It would be nice if the interface to set security would have a notice to reconsider before securing the serial port. In my training of dealers, 50% turn all security on, and 49% leave all security off. Reasons to leave the serial port open was news to most. For residential, at least (our target at the time), if you can get close enough to plug in a serial cable, AND know what to do with it, you are nearly 100% certain to be the correct person doing it.

  • Ok I've setup putty and a serial link. Now I need to login, but what is the default login name and password if any.`

  • default is 'administrator' and 'password'

  • @richardherman said:
    default is 'administrator' and 'password'

    Unfortunately, if that's the right one well then it seems the serial port is password protected as I get the message "Invalid username and/or password or user account is temporarily locked out. Login not authorized. Please try again"

    And I did all other possible login method like admin and root and netlynx.

    It seems that the previous owner was one of the 50% which also turned the security on on the serial port. This is bad news, as sending this to Harman to reflash it isn't really an option costwise.

    This is one of the pitfals with product that you get by auction, most of the time the previous owner isn't 'reachable', in this case the company was liquidated.

    I wished I could flash it myself..

    Anyhow, I would give my thanks to you, John and Marc for jumping in on my quest.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    A re-flash by AMX is likely to be fairly inexpensive, do check to be sure before you toss if this device would work for your needs.

  • @hydraxide said:

    @richardherman said:
    default is 'administrator' and 'password'

    Unfortunately, if that's the right one well then it seems the serial port is password protected as I get the message "Invalid username and/or password or user account is temporarily locked out. Login not authorized. Please try again"

    Have you tried just sending 'resetadminpassword', without logging in? Maybe AMX was 'clever' and made an exception for that. I guess it won't work, but having never done this, I have no idea.

  • Have you tried just sending 'resetadminpassword', without logging in? Maybe AMX was 'clever' and made an exception for that. I guess it won't work, but having never done this, I have no idea.

    Unfortunately :(

  • @John Nagy said:
    A re-flash by AMX is likely to be fairly inexpensive, do check to be sure before you toss if this device would work for your needs.

    How is the reflash done? Can it be done by myself?
    And not sure what 'fairly inexpensive' is for you but sending it to the factory alone is above the budget for me.
    I got it trough auction and for personal use.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Nope. Just AMX, and last time I knew about it (years now) it was a flat bench charge of $150 I think.

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