AVR Module -Multizone how to
Posts: 17
New to AMX so sorry for the noob question. Downloaded the Denon AVR2113CI module (really need a AVR-X4700h but i think this one may work, only old modules listed for download). Cant figure out how to address zone 2 of a Denon AVR with these modules. I read the Word doc but nothing says Zone 2 anywhere. Any ideas you can throw my way ?
If there is a device capability that is not included in an AMX duet module, you simply use passthru to inject the command yourself. The module handles communication IN and OUT with the device. Passthru would send the command you want and Passback would allow you to see the response if you needed to update feedback or a tracking variable.
Any way to look in the module to check it ? I really need volume feedback from the device/module for zone 2. I know how to send Zone2 commands via pass through
The module shows this definition in it's Word Doc - does this mean that Zone 2 should use port 2 of the device ?
vdvDenon2113CI = 41001:1:0 // The COMM module should use this as its duet device
vdvDenon2113CI2 = 41001:2:0 // The COMM module should use this as its duet device
Also - looking at the Sonance_DSP8130MKII_Comm_dr1_0_0 module - which i also have to use - it is multizone and appears to use the port as the "channel/zone". Which raises another question - the example program for this only initializes the IP address and IP port for the first "Zone" 41001:1:0 in the ONLINE event, but not for all the other 7 "zones" on ports 2-8. how does this actually work ?
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1 = 41001:1:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_2 = 41001:2:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_3 = 41001:3:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_4 = 41001:4:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_5 = 41001:5:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_6 = 41001:6:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_7 = 41001:7:0
vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_8 = 41001:8:0
DATA_EVENT [vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1]
send_command vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1,'debug-4'
send_command vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1,'PROPERTY-Poll_Time,10000'
send_command vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1,'PROPERTY-IP_Address,'
send_command vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1,'PROPERTY-Port,52000'
send_command vdvSonanceDSP8130MKII_1,'REINIT'
Excellent! I think you have the answer. Load it up and test.
Well i'm not clear on the AVR zone 2 OR the Sonance amp zones - I dont have the equipment at my office thats all onsite, all i have is the processor and an ipad. Trying to get this 99% correct before I go onsite. So i'm trying to get some more definitive answers on how it works in code.
Untested, but this should show one way to manage source selection in your dual zone environment.
So vdvLivRm_RcvrZ2 = 41001:02:0 is zone 2?
So whats really confusing is that the module is ONLY defined for Zone 1
DEFINE_MODULE 'Denon_AVR2308CI_Comm_dr1_0_0' comm(vdvLivRm_RcvrZ1, dvLivRm_Rcvr )
SO...... How is there a DATA_EVENT for Zone 2 with no zone 2 module defined?
The module code will instance as many ports on the virtual device as it needs. You are free to define each port as you do with port one with a friendly name but that is not required for the port to be there and active.
One module that has multiple ports. When that module spins up, it is placing information across multiple ports as a means of organization and separation. If you look at the sonance example, you have one module defined, and then a virtual device for each zone. SNAPI Level #1 represents volume. If you want to change volume on zone 8, you change level 1 on port 8. If you want to know the current volume level for zone 6, you read the level value for level 1 on port 6. If there is a command like ?TEMPERATURE to represent the physical device and is not related to a zone, we put that info on port 1. Port 1 represents zone 1 and the device attributes that are associated with the hardware - like IP address or other things that are not varied across the different multi zone outputs.
Think of the module definition statement to be who AMX is actually communicating with. We will talk to the box found on serial port 1. The module knows how to talk to that physical appliance and the commands sent will vary depending on which port you are trying to talk to.
For zone 1 in the environment, we send commands to virtual device 1, and the module will format them properly to indicate you want the action to occur on zone 1.
For zone 2 in the environment, we send commands to virtual device 2, and the module will format them properly to indicate you want the action to occur on zone 2 output of the stereo receiver.
In the end, we still talk to one physical device in the real world. It may be capable of multiple zones, but it is all managed through one physical device connection between AMX and the device.
Ok - now it makes sense ! -
Sometimes we work so hard to do something that we don't think about whether we need it at all.
Volume feedback to show on a touch panel. Ponder that if you merely told the zone to go to a volume level instead of blind up and down... that you would already and always know exactly the level to show. Why make the AVR repeat it back to you unless you need to run tandem control with someone who insists on manually turning the knobs on the AVR. If it's in the rack, and the only thing that can change the volume is the code, why ask the AVR if it heard you? If it didn't, it likely is ignoring you completely and didn't even turn on. Your customer will let you know, same as they would if your full-on-feedback code was working.