Varia: longer possible to download the tp5 file from the touch panel?

When trying to download the tp5 file, I always get a timeout error message.
TP Design 5, (Support File Version 1.5.68)
Varia FW v1.11.7
Best Answer
HARMAN_Rob Posts: 231
Regarding the ability to "Receive TP5 File from Panel," this is known and being added in. It will be available in an upcoming firmware release.
Downloading a new Varia TP5 file worked for me as expexted.
What will not work by design is to load a Modero based TP5 file to a Varia by filter "panel with like resolution"
Not confirmed yet, but seems it is not possible get the default panel design from a Varia.
Thanks for this informations.
Maybe I chose the wrong word. I cannot "Receive from Panel" a tp5 file.
Neither the default demo file nor the file designed and sent by me.
Loading (or "Send to Panel") is working fine.
Haven't tested yet to receive a custom tp5 file from the Varia... don't have a unit on hand at the moment.
Do you know if there will be a conversion utility, at least from Modero to Varia? Like the TP4 to TP5 converter. Starting over with each panel design does not sound like fun
@richardherman Varia runs G5. No conversion needed. New resolution, but not a different file type.
I could just save a MT-1002|MT-702|MX-1001 tp5 file (with a resolution of 1280x800) as a Varia-SL80 (same resolution of 1280x800) via save as a different panel type and it works great without any scaling options.
Good to know: you need to install the latest G5SupportFiles-1_5_68.exe first.
The TP5 file must be "converted" (save as different panel type) from a Modero to a (matching in resolution) Varia panel type, also also on the other way Varia to Modero, otherwise you get the effects I mentioned above.
Thank you for the information.
Ah, That's easy enough.