Netlinx Compile Option Question
Posts: 17
I need some clarity on the compile options.
So if un-check the "Compile with source" option - I see the file transfer is still sending a ".SRC" file to the processor. Is this the source code to my program ? When i open the SRC file it looks like an encrypted file although i can make out some information in it. Is this .SRC code reversible back to the original source?
For whatever reason there is a requirement to always transfer an src file with the compiled code; unchecking the box results in the "empty" source file. I believe the "empty" file reads as "this is an empty src file". And yes, when compiled with source is selected the NetlLnx code can downloaded, viewed and edited.
In the 'Preferences > File transfer" menu, there is an option called: 'When sending a .TKN, always send the associated .SRC' . Deselect that option.
Got it -thanks
The .src archive only contains "readable source code", like the .axs and .axi files (not sure about the .lib files for system_calls). It will not contain the required Duet .jar files or NetLinx .tko modules, to get the source compiled again.
If you want to have a complete archive of all required files for reloading the system from scratch, you may create a "Workspace file to go" in Studio, and transfer the .AXW archive to the master.