Middle Atlantic RackLink
I'm having issues with the old Middle Atlantic RackLink Duet module.
I can't get it to connect to the device. I have double checked the password. The module is old so I am assuming it should work since I dont recall M.A. changing their protocol.
Anyone have any ideas?
is the module even starting, does it come up with a device in the 41000 range?
If the module starts, send the command DEBUG-4 to the module, to get all debug diagnostics.
There's a dr1_0_0.jar (module version 1.0.0) and dr1_0_5.jar (module version 1.0.5) on the website.
https://developer.amx.com/#!/searchresult?Manufacturer=Middle Atlantic&Model=RackLink
The different dr (Device Revision) is usually an indication of an API or protocol change at the device.
Thanks for all the answers. The issue ended up being something either with the network or the device.
I can only control it if it is set to DHCP. The IT dept is looking into it on their side.