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Sonos Integration

He All,

although there 're some posts here about the SONOS integration with AMX, I would like to know if there is someone worldwide who has managed to integrate sonos system.

We need to control it over the MD panels which unfortunately are not able to launch the Sonos app like the TPControl does.

So anyone who has made a module or whatever ?



  • sling100sling100 Posts: 123

    Hi George

    I've done it - based on some provisional SOAP code that @true posted here many years ago. It works fine on multiple boxes, with the usual transport controls, volume and cover art. The way individual items are selected, however, was tortuous, and the GUIIDs would change frequently - so if you copied the URI of a specific radio station it would work for maybe a month and then stop. I haven't touched it for a few years, but drop me a line if you want any more info.



  • Hi Simon, I have sent you a PM...


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Since the beginning, Sonos has deliberately defeated efforts for full integration in the open. It appears they want pricey licensing agreements with ongoing payment from any major player who does more.

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