Flip Page on MST-701i Touch Panel from Netlinx Studio Code
Howdy all,
I'm setting up a timed shutdown on a couple of my institutions AMX systems and am wanting to send a page flip command via Netlinx code to an MST-701i touch panel. I've been scouring this forum for the command, but can't seem to find anything. I'm assuming there's a manual somewhere that lists all of these commands, but I can't seem to find that either.
Any points in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
You can find the syntax guide for that product here: https://www.amx.com/en-US/site_elements/configuration-and-programming-guide-modero-s-x-series-g4-touch-panels-hydraport-touch-connection-ports
PDF page 56 describes the PAGE- command for a page flip.
Ah, yes I just found that guide right after making my last post- thank you!
One other issue- I seem to be able to use the PAGE- command successfully via Netlinx Studio under Diagnostics -> Control a device; however it doesn't seem to work after putting it into the Netlinx code. Here's how it looks in the DEFINE_PROGRAM portion of my code:
WAIT 100
SEND_COMMAND devPanel,"'PAGE-Splash'"
startUp = TRUE
Is there something else I'm missing?
What your want is this:
You need to group what you want to be queued, otherwise, only shutdownRoutine() is queued and the other two command are executed the mainline runs, which is far too soon for a touch screen to be online.
Ah, that did it- thanks! I didn't realize that WAIT will queue one task without brackets but that they need to be added to queue multiple tasks.