Magewell Pro Convert for NDI to HDMI 64100 Control

Has anyone had any experience controlling this or other Magewell converters using their port 80 http protocol?
No matter what I send this thing from an open TCP port on Port 80 from the AMX processor, I get nothing back. And when I set up Putty or other terminal programs, I only ever get "Bad Request" as a response.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
"Bad request" indicates that the format of the http command is not correct.
By the API, I would say it must be sent like (for set hdmi input)
By API, the data returned is JSON formatted. This is a good 3rd party axi for parsing JSON data.
It's not mine, so use "as it is"
Thank you for the response.
I am using the same general format. As for responses in the AMX code, I really don't care. All I need to do is switch which NDI input is going out of the HDMI port, and I think "set-channel" is the command I need.
In the Online of the Data_Event I have:
Wait 10
Send_String CAMSw01,"'GET HTTP/1.1',CR,LF"
send_string CAMSw01,"'Host:',CR,LF"
send_string CAMSw01,"CR,LF"
And then to switch I am using:
send_string CAMSw01,"' HTTP/1.1',CR,LF"
send_string CAMSw01,"'Host:',CR,LF"
send_string CAMSw01,"CR,LF"
the device drops offline relatively easily it seems. So I might need to open the socket, send the command and then close the socket.
Magewell seemed to indicate that I might need to send the login info EVERY time I send a command so there's that too. I am waiting on a response from them and I am doing testing on site with a guy remotely.
Next time just buy a video switch. Really.
Not sure if the must be a at the host, 'Host:'
HTTP in general works in the way to close the connect directly after the instruction is done.
You may try to tell the server to hold the connect open for longer, by adding the line "'Connection: Keep-Alive',13,10"
meant that there might be a SPACE in that host line between colon and address
Thanks Marc. Still looking into this. I will let the forum know how it is resolved onsite.