Varia TP

I like the look of these panels and I'm hoping that a few hiccups are fixed, or I can find the proper use of the functions I need.
1) ^ABP and ^ADB are not functioning even though the manual claims these commands are supposed to. I went through all the sound settings and even using different Button Hit Sounds and different volume adjustments and nothing.
2) And this leads to the Button Hit Sounds. A wide array of android tones which are mostly useless as well the classic AMX TP "beep". Why is it there aren't good simple click or softer toned sounds for use on these panels? At least on the G4 Panels we had some selections that weren't useless. I guess I am loading custom sounds for simple clicks and a chime for confirmation on every panel.
3) I know the panel sensor functions have been addressed in a previous post, but on looking through the Varia Configuration and Programming Guide and this forum, I see no way to affect the LEDs on the panel itself. It would be great to be able to change their color, turn them off, etc.
That is all. Thank you.
regarding point 3, the LEDs
Latest Varia Programming guide, page 77, the "^WLD" command
Side LED Command - turn on/off the side LEDs. LEDs can be turned on any RGB color. ,'"
Indicates the LED ID number or Brightness.
• 0 - All LED status
• 1 - Red
• 2 - Green
• 3 - Blue
• 10 - All LED brightness
• 11 - Red brightness
• 12 - Green brightness
• 13 - Blue brightness
For LED on/off commands 0, 1, 2, 3:
• 0 - Turns LED Off
• 1 - Turns LED On
How to use:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^WLD-1,1'" // Turn on the RED Led
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^WLD-10,50'" // Set the Red, Blue and Green LED brightness to 50%.
Thank you VERY much Marc! I appreciate it, and if I can ever lend a hand, let me know.
regarding point 1:
^ABP and ^ADB working as expected on my VARIA-SL50, even it button hit and button miss is set to "none" (G5 mode, settings > AMX G5 Mode Settings -> G5 Settings -> Sound).
Varia firmware 1.11.29
regarding point 2:
And you even can't assign them to the ABP/ADB command at all.
I must admit that I also would like to have more simple, more modern "tick" sounds, like e.g. the keypads use.
The original Single and Double Beep imho is little old school
And the default Android sounds are... well...
Let's do a feature request... maybe kind of configurable ^ABP and ^ADB sound, maybe an extended ABP/ADB command...
^ABP // plays the single beep, default: the original "Single Beep"
^ABP-mySingleBeep.wav // set mySingleBeep.wav as the sound a ^ABP is calling
^ABP- // no parameter - sets back to the default Single Beep sound
^ADB // plays the double beep, default: the original "Double Beep"
^ADB-myDoubleBeep.wav // set myDoubleBeep.wav as the sound a ^ADB is calling
^ADB- // no parameter - sets back to the default Double Beep sound
Or make it configurable in the G5 Mode settings