Found an old WoL module that needs DEBUG.AXI and I cannot seem to find that include file any where. Not even in the archived Tech note 461. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Found an old WoL module that needs DEBUG.AXI and I cannot seem to find that include file any where. Not even in the archived Tech note 461. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I found a debug.axi from 2001..2005 in an oooold archive, maybe it is the one you search for.
Find attached as txt file, just rename to axi.
Good luck
Got a newer version here, 2.57 from 2008 incase that one that marc posted doesn't have all the calls you need in it.
Thanks to you both. I will run this up the flagpole and see how it goes.
So glad I'm still working in WoL.
Remember when we could get archived material from the manufacturer?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Thank you both. All is well.
Long live Jahmbi.