Panasonic HE40
We tried to use the Duet Module "DuetModules\Panasonic_AWHE50_IP_Comm_v1_0_7_dr1_0_0" with our PANASONIC AW-HE40 but we were not able to use any function of the duet module.
Do you have any idea ?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
is the duet virtual device coming up at all?
If yes, what's about channels 251 and 252?
The duet module is online.

On the MUSE controller, the device is online but when I try to retrieve the current statut of the deviceonline into MUSE Automator, the result Is false.
The Duet Module is shown Online as soon at it got its instance defined...
Can you provide a screenshot of the "Control" node with the camera properties?
Is the camera connected to one of the MU internal serial ports, or by a CE-COM2?