Home AMX User Forum NetLinx Modules & Duet Modules

Panasonic HE40


We tried to use the Duet Module "DuetModules\Panasonic_AWHE50_IP_Comm_v1_0_7_dr1_0_0" with our PANASONIC AW-HE40 but we were not able to use any function of the duet module.

Do you have any idea ?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


  • is the duet virtual device coming up at all?
    If yes, what's about channels 251 and 252?

  • The duet module is online.
    On the MUSE controller, the device is online but when I try to retrieve the current statut of the deviceonline into MUSE Automator, the result Is false.

  • The Duet Module is shown Online as soon at it got its instance defined...
    Can you provide a screenshot of the "Control" node with the camera properties?
    Is the camera connected to one of the MU internal serial ports, or by a CE-COM2?

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