Swapping from AMX panel to an Extron panel. Are relay ports compatible?
Hi all,
We have a faulty AMX push button panel and i am trying to replace it with an Extron panel.
We have a bunch of identical basic meeting rooms at our institute so i grabbed the Extron programming and loaded the driver as the projector was different.
Anyway - this might be a basic question but the only trouble im having is the drop-down projector screen isnt responding to ON/OFF commands to drop down and go back up.
The above pictures are of the Relay port connections. The current 4 pin AMX connector which needs to go into the 3 pin Extron connector.
How should it be wired? will the Extron programming make a difference?
Well... I will ignore that it is competition
In theory... rewire and trying at your own risk.
The 4-pin relay connector of the MCP-108 is 2 relays, each pin pair is one relays with dry contact.
So on the 4-pin connector, the 2 pins that are shorted (green cable) may go to the "C" Pin, and the red and black wires to "1" and "2".
Each relay on the AMX keypad can switch up to 24 VDC or 28 VAC @ 1A.
No idea which of red and black wire is responsible for up/down control, and how it needs to operate (if it needs just pulse the contact or held to control the screen movement), and about stopping the screen (does it have endswitch, must it be timed, what if both relays are on, etc)
Again: I'm not responsible for any damage. Do on your own risk.