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Televic D-Cerno CUR Conferencer integration with Muse 2300

Hi I have Muse-2300, PR0402, ClearOne Unit 200 Pro, Clearone Converge Huddle and Televic D-Cerno CUR Conferencer for conference room setup. I can communicate with all the devices and defined the desired flow. For making look at me feature I need data from Televic D-Cerno CUR Conferencer controller. I am not able to communicate with it and neither any duet module for the same is available. Need guidance and for the same.

Thank You


  • Marc ScheibeinMarc Scheibein Posts: 910
    edited September 2024

    Here is the REST-API documentation for it:

    The API normally is HTTPS, which requires to create certificates.
    But there is also an unsecured HTTP port 9080.
    All is shown in the API guide.

    I haven't done this yet, but I assume you can use the "http request" node to send the GET/POST/PUT instructions, and the response comes back in JSON format, so you can use the "json" parser node for parsing the replies that come from the "http request" node.

  • Thank you @Marc Scheibein for prompt response. I am testing it with the setup and will update you whatever my finding are.

  • This API works with D-Cerno AE. I am having D-Cerno CU-R. Tried with D-Cerno CU-R and getting connection refuse at port 9080 and 4023.

  • Sorry.... Find here an archive with the full API.

  • @Marc Scheibein I am using MUSE Automator for process flow. Not sure how to fit the API document and examples in this context. I am doing most control over IPv4.

  • Marc ScheibeinMarc Scheibein Posts: 910
    edited September 2024

    Unfortunately I'm pretty busy these days, so I can't assist too deep.....

    In addition to the sample commands in the archive, here to show how the message is set together
    02:con0000021O00000C00000000000000:{"typ":"CoCon","nam":"CoCon Emulator","ver":"0.01","inf":"","svr":0,"tim":""}

    02 / Protocol ID
    con / Type
    0000 / id
    02 / body type
    1 / QOS
    O / TX type
    00000 / TX id
    C / rx type
    00000 / rx id
    0 / Tx prop
    0 / tx session
    000 / room id
    0000 / packet length

    Not that easy, as transmitter and receiver (microphone) IDs must be used to target the message.
    Most commands seem to be body type '02' (ASCII json)
    packet length is not tracked, to can always be set '0000'
    The whole instruction is ascii, between a STX and ETX

    Tricky thing I found in Automator by another protocol is to put that STX (0x02 / $02) and ETX (0x03 / $03) around the ascii part. Find attached a function node I did (rename .txt to .json) that sets STX and ETX around the payload passed into the function. Maybe it could be done way much easier as I did, but I'm also still beginner in node-Red / Automator :smile:

    For first testings, put the sample string as it is into an inject node as msg.payload of type string, go into the function attached, and from the function to a "tcp request" node. From the tcp request node, connect a debug node, to see the response from the Cerno

  • archliveceharchliveceh Posts: 8
    edited September 2024

    @Marc Scheibein Thank you very much for support and you time. I think I will be able to complete this communication as desired. I will post my solution here for validation.

  • Hey @Marc Scheibein completed the "look at me" feature using Muse-2300, PR0402, ClearOne Unit 200 Pro, Clearone Converge Huddle and Televic D-Cerno CUR Conferencer with 12 delegate units. However my solution is with one ptz only. Thank you for your technical help.

  • BagundaBagunda Posts: 1

    Televic D-Cerno CUR API example: to send a command to connect to Televic D-Cerno CUR from JavaScript (from iRidi):

    connectCommand = {
    typ: "Application", // Application type
    nam: "DU", // Application name
    ver: "1.01", // Application version
    inf: "0", // Additional information
    svr: 0 // Server flag (0 — client)
    commandBody = JSON.Stringify(connectCommand);
    header = "02:con0000029O00000C00000000000000";
    fullCommand = header + ":" + commandBody;
    IR.Log("SENDING connect command: "+fullCommand);
    this.dev.Send([0x02, fullCommand, 0x03]);

    And the answer will come:

            "sta":  0,
            "inf":  "Connected to D-Cerno",
            "con":  {
                    "typ":  "D-Cerno",
                    "nam":  "CU",
                    "ver":  "0.12.02",
                    "svr":  0

    The smiley at the beginning is 0x02, the heart at the end is 0x03. This is how the iRidi server emulator outputs to the console.

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