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Enova DVX-3155HD-SP Status Error

Hello everyone,

I purchased a DVX-3155HD-SP from an online reseller a few months ago for my church and didn't get around to opening the unit until today.......I know, I know.

I was wondering if anyone could answer as to why my device would have a "Status: Error" when pressing the STATUS button?

Also, I noticed that the device doesn't have have any information for the listed categories:

System Number: 0
Serial Number: 000000000
MAC Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Master Version: v0.0.0
Device Version: v0.0

However, I do have a Switcher Version: v1.6.76

Did I purchase a dud?

Can I update the unit somehow?

The unit does seem to function with video swiching via the panel buttons but, I would like to get it connected to my network to manage and perform switching via my LAN.

I know this is an older system but, any help would be greatly appreciated.



Best Answers

  • MarbieskarbMarbieskarb Posts: 3
    Answer ✓

    Phew! It appears that I was able to resolve the issue.

    I opened the chassis and re-seated the DXLINK INPUT controller card.

    Afterwards, the System Error went away and all of the information populated.

    I was then able to reconfigure the network information and gain remote access.

  • Marc ScheibeinMarc Scheibein Posts: 900
    Answer ✓

    An Error in the display is shown if one or more of the AV components will not be found by the DVX firmware. It that case, the DVX get's an "identity crisis", doesn't know what model it is, and so AV control is not possible.

    Regarding the Flash pages:

    For the NI based DVXes (21xx / 31xx), you can load a webpages addon to the DVX, which will provide a similar HTML5 based webUI for the switcher.
    The new WebUI isn't that fast, and needs about 1-2 minutes after opening to be up-to-date with the values, but then works fine and without any modification in NetLinx code etc.

    The newer NX based DVXes (2210 / 225x / 325x) get replacement pages in HTML5 directly by the master firmware v1.6.179 (for the DVX is recommended v1.6.193)


  • Great! now up to the next challenge: The switcher interface written in Flash :(

  • MarbieskarbMarbieskarb Posts: 3
    edited September 2024

    Thanks! Yeah, I ended up using MX5 for that. Also, the Ruffle browser add-on & Flashbrowser work as well.

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