TPcontrol ipad level control button jumping levels irregular behaviour
When using a TP4 layout via TPcontrol on iPad level up/down buttons create a jump (by irregular numbers) in the level whereas the same layout on a hardware touchpanel wil neatly jump by increments of +/-1.
The level up/down buttons use following settings.
Hope anyone can point me in the correct direction to correct this behaviour.
Not sure how TPControl on iPad would react to this, but a 'Level Control Repeat Time' of 1ms seems very short.
If you hold down the button it will try to update the level every 1ms, which will probably fail in some way.
Probably a typo but there is no 'level code' to tell it what level to control
Also, if this triggers a level event where you update the other panel(s), make sure to not update itself, meaning don't send it back the level it is trying to set.
Something like this, where dvaTP is an array of touchpanels: