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UPC20+ Rocker Switch Problem

Hi Folks.

I’ve run into a little problem with two UPC20+ panels we use to control 2 sets of roller blinds in our School Multihall and it’s weird that the ‘issue’ is the same on both boards.

Up until recently, we could control rolling the blinds up and down using two momentary rocker switches. One controls the blinds up & down at back of hall and the other one controls the the blinds up &down in the main hall.

The issue is, if we press either rocker switches to the up position, the blind will start to go and if you let the button go, the motors stop. All good so far.

The issue is, if you press the button the other way to bring the blinds down, nothing happens. I don’t hear the relay clicking as I do when rolling the blinds up.

We had an electrician in to check the rocker switches but they appear fine. What we did discover was that We can roll the blinds up and down if we use the test buttons so we are at a loss as to why the rocker switches only work one way. As I say, the electrician has checked the continuity of the wiring and all seems okay.

Can anyone offer an explanation or a solution and why same issue on both rocker switches at same time. As I say, they were working and nobody has tampered with any of the wiring.

Any assistance greatly appreciated


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