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Deffective AXB-IRS4?

bobbob Posts: 296
Hi there,

I have an AXB-IRS4 here which LEDs light fine but fails to control the device through the attached IR emitter.

I have doublechecked everything by swapping the controlled device, the IR emitter, the AXB-IRS and it it is definitely the IRS4 device.

When I actuate an IR code from IRedit, the red LED on the IRS4 flashes fine but the controlled device do not respond. The IRS4 is set to AXlink operation with the internal jumpers. I have checked all 4 ports without luck.

Is it possible that the internal battery needs to be replaced?

Any ideas?



  • bobbob Posts: 296
    The IRS4 is from 12/1997
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    In addition to all the ordinary stuff like making sure that you have the proper IR file loaded on the device, you need to make sure that the carrier choice is properly made. In addition to the dip switches on the front, you have to make sure that the carrier has not been disabled with a CAROFF command which would override the functioning of the dip switchers. It is my understanding that to get proper carrier, you need to have the dip switches properly enabled and have the firware properly configured. If this is a used device, it may be that the port you are trying to use was previously given a CAROFF command. So, send it a CARON, properly position the dipswitches, and try again. Also, it's very easy to get the connector one prong off, but you've probably already verified that.
  • bobbob Posts: 296
    Thanks much! It was the carrier set to off (on the second DIP switch). Now it works fine.
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    These little guys can be tricky. I had one just yesterday and we were using the first three ports but I couldn't get the first to work. After a bit of goofing with it, I decided to try the fourth port instead. I unplugged the connector and for some reason decided to try the first port one more time. I plugged it back in to the same old port and viola -- it started to work. Apparently, it was plugged in one pin off and though everybody had looked at it about 10 times, we just missed it.

    Go figure.
  • One more tricky thing with the AXB-IRS4 is that it can fire only 2 IR codes at the same time...
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    I have seen DIP switches that take a jigglin' as they age.
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