what 's wrong? (NXT-CV7, NXT-BP and NXA-BASE/1
in AMX Hardware
what's wrong if the NXA-BASE/1 shows its version as -/- when have the NI system refresh and cannot have firmware updated through Netlinx Studio (Tools->Firmware Transfers->Send to Netlinx Device)
I'm using the NXA-BASE/1 with NXT-CV7, NXT-BP and having thread posted once.
I'm using the NXA-BASE/1 with NXT-CV7, NXT-BP and having thread posted once.
it is indeed the connection PIN problem of the panel and the base. now it shows the version as 2.00.
the next problem is while attempt to upgrade its firmware to 2.07 the Netlink said the firmware id is invalid.
Description: PC2250_50A v2.07 Modero battery base firmware
Firmware:Battery Base Firmware
What's problem? again
1) Does that firmware apply to that battery base? The file says it's for an NXA-BASE/B, not NXA-BASE/1. Not having used either, I don't know if there is enough of a difference to matter.
2) Check out the tech note at http://www.amx.com/techsupport/PDNTechNote.asp?id=746 . It may apply to your situation.
This firmware is for the NXA-BASE/B only. The Base/1 still has v2.00 as the latest version.
BTW, i'm still in trouble and will try last.
when i put the system together ie. put the NXT-BP in the NXA-BASE/1 and then place the NXT-CV7 on top, feed power supply, the system splashs AMX logo and enters to user mode, it works.
but when enter to configuation page and touching at Battery Base button, it is notice that battery status information disappear regulary this means all status including Version number of battery base. and the battery is not charged.
what exactly problem is.
I may ask dealer for the equipment replacement.