christie projector channel issues
hello all I am in the middle of programming a show and have to program for a christie projector.
Now all the normal funtionality works fine .. but
the Christie uses what it calls channels to hold lens position sizing ect.
I can move the input fine but I cant seem to recall the channels correctly.
all it does when i try to recall a channel is change the input and create a new channel file.
any ideas any help greatly appeaciated quite under the gun here
Now all the normal funtionality works fine .. but
the Christie uses what it calls channels to hold lens position sizing ect.
I can move the input fine but I cant seem to recall the channels correctly.
all it does when i try to recall a channel is change the input and create a new channel file.
any ideas any help greatly appeaciated quite under the gun here
The 232 manual says to use the 'CHA ##' command and that the 'SRC ##' is the same as the CHA. Those should work, however if they don't you can also use direct keypad command for the remote. You would use 'KEY ###'. The ### is the number associated with that key. It is shown in the 232 manual. That is the push number. You have to do a release command and it is normally the push ### + 128. So for lets say 'KEY 44', the release command is 'KEY 172'.
Hope this can help.
It turns out that Christie has a minor glitch in their documentation
you must have a three figure number after the channel command
so ascii send would look like this (CHA001) *this would change the channel to 1*
(CHA025) *this would change the channel to 25 etc*
in the manual it does not make it clear it states (CHA1) or (CHA01) should work and it obviously doesn't
hope this helps others