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Com port wiring.



  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    RS-232 is a dying comm method?? I must have missed that memo.
    Everyone is moving to IP or USB. It's far from dead, but I think the writing is on the wall. It's difficult anymore to find a laptop with an RS-232 port.
  • Hmmmm... Just 'cos it's dissapearing from laptops, I wouldn't draw the conclusion that we're going to see it go away as a method of control for us AV types. It's more reliable (I'm sure that's debatable) than IP, and I don't think you're going to see the control system manufacturers adding USB ports to controllers - at least not for the purpose of controlling equipment.

    - Chip
  • ColinColin Posts: 51
    Com Port TX / RX Swap

    I was actually thinking of a dual flip-flop arrangement where a pin through the program gets held high or low and that determines the crossover - technically I am sure it is possible, financially or whether there is enough room inside to do this is another matter.

    The thing is with IP when one of the IT people start blocking ports or removing devices (turning ports off via managed switches) because they don't understand the device, technology or why it is there, results in frustration for everyone, Trust me I was there a couple of weeks ago explaining that the Netlinx Device(s) weren't going to start attacking the IT infrastructure.
  • MRoedMRoed Posts: 9
    Reasonably Priced RS-232 Terminal Adapters

    We just added the male adapters to our website. We also added some additional information to help you determine if you need a straight or crossover cable. You can check it out at www.easyadapters.com.

    MRoed wrote:
    We have had similar experiences with using premade cables. For a long time we have soldered on DB-9 connectors. More times than I would like to admit we have had to reverse pins 2 and 3 afterward.

    The cost of the DB-9 to terminal block adapters have always prohibited us from going that route. So, we developed our own adapters. They are available for a much more reasonable price (between $3.75 and $5.00). Currently, we have two female versions available on our website. We will be adding a male version in the next couple of weeks. Check our website out at (www.easyadapters.com). We have some helpful information on terminating control cables as well.

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