What happens to old AXB-IRS4s and AXB-TM5s?
in AMX Hardware
I have seen quite a few of these devices lock up or otherwise fail, sometimes crashing the Axlink bus.
Could they just need their batteries replaced? EPROM re written?
I am acquiring quite a collection of them and would hope to be able to give them a fix and a new leash on life.
Thank you.
Could they just need their batteries replaced? EPROM re written?
I am acquiring quite a collection of them and would hope to be able to give them a fix and a new leash on life.
Thank you.
The TM5s get the response and IR lights stuck on, also contaminating the bus.
Most Axcess devices use 3 Volt CR2032 batteries (available at Radio Shack, among others) to maintain code when not powered, so be sure to keep some around as more and more devices will start to fail.
As far as the TM5, I beleive that it has flashable memory that is volatile.
- Chip