Joe Hebert
Posts: 2,159
Has anyone used this command? I?m wondering what kind of situations where this command would come in handy.Netlinx Help File wrote:REDIRECT_STRING
This command is used to pass all strings from device 1 to device 2 and all strings from device 2 to device 1. This is called a redirection and you can assign up to eight of them at one time. The syntax is:
REDIRECT_STRING (Number, Device1, Device2)
The parameter Number identifies the particular redirection (1-8). To cancel a redirection, pass zero for Device1 and Device2. Redirections are lost if system power is turned off.
(It also comes in handy for making changes to the Vortex configuration at a remote location).
If I'm reading this correctly, I could eliminate that process and just use the REDIRECT_STRING function whenever the IP connection is established between my laptop and the IP Server.
I'll try it in the next few days and see what happens.
My question about the Polycom Conference Composer program. I've never used it, but looking at the documentation on the Polycom website, it appears that the software (on the PC) wants to communicate to the Polycom hardware via RS232. What virtual RS232 device is being used to link the Conference Composer program to the Ethernet? Or, is TCP/IP an available option for the software?
If you were sharing a single Video Codec with multiple rooms, Redirect_String could be used for camera control. The camera control com port on the codec would be redirected to the room where the codec is assigned.
You would need one NetLinx com port for the codec and another for each remote room camera. So one codec to three rooms would require 4 com ports plus the com that controls the codec.
Polycom sells a hardware box that has an ethernet connection and a serial connection. You connect it to your network and the serial cable to the Vortex and can use CC over the network.
Basically I have emulated this box in the NetLinx by opening an IP server that listens for a specific port number. When the connection is established, any data that comes from the IP connection gets redirected to the serial port running the Vortex. Any data received from the Vortex gets redirected back to the IP connection.
Like the Polycom hardware solution, I can not update firmware on the Vortex through this process. That requires a serial connection.
Ok, that explains it. The Extron device (IPL T S2) and the NetMedia device are both devices that bridge RS232 to TCP/IP and, maybe, either could replace the Polycom Serial to TCP/IP device. The NetMedia device, for anyone interested in such a thing, is quite inexpensive and pretty stable and well-supported.
We've a job coming up that has a Polycom audio conferencing system -- I'll try the REDIRECT_STRING again and see what happens.
"The REDIRECT_STRING(entry#,dev1,dev2) function will pass all strings from dev1 to dev2, and all strings from dev2 to dev1. Entry# specifies which of the 8 possible redirections.
Enables passing of strings from device RS232_1 to RS232_2.
Disables passing of strings from device RS232_1 to RS232_2.
What does "Entry# specifies which of the 8 possible redirections.
" ?
I Dont Get It
I have a situation where a tuner feeds and audio controller metadata via 232...but there is only one 232 port on each device, which i must use to talk with my AMX...would theis REDIRECT_STRING Command automatically send ALL of the data between the 2 units before I parse the string in the DATA_EVENT?