Creating IR files in VA

The model for capturing IR files in VA is kind of restrictive. Lots of remotes have special functions which do not fit the pre-defined templates. One or two buttons are different on most DVD remotes, for instance, but the rest are the same. Why should I need to launch IRedit to capture these buttons, or try to "fake out" VA by capturing these functions into otherwise unused button slots?
Why not just have the ability to add a "generic" slot and button which did nothing other than send the IR when pressed? Deeper functionality could always be added in Netlinx if needed (most times it wouldn't be.)
VA seems pretty cool, but if it is going to be resistant to even such minimal customizations, it will become an obstacle in actually completing a system. For safety's sake, I'm redo-ing my home system with it, and I'm starting to have to develop workarounds, and making lists of the stuff that I'm going to have to do in the other applications. Some of it seems reasonable, a lot of it seems like it would happen every single project (e.g. specialty IR buttons.)
Why not just have the ability to add a "generic" slot and button which did nothing other than send the IR when pressed? Deeper functionality could always be added in Netlinx if needed (most times it wouldn't be.)
VA seems pretty cool, but if it is going to be resistant to even such minimal customizations, it will become an obstacle in actually completing a system. For safety's sake, I'm redo-ing my home system with it, and I'm starting to have to develop workarounds, and making lists of the stuff that I'm going to have to do in the other applications. Some of it seems reasonable, a lot of it seems like it would happen every single project (e.g. specialty IR buttons.)
I'm fully aware that it would be breaking the mold as it were - but I didn't build the device, I'm just trying to control it. If we can't add some simple, generic function in VA, then it means that VA can't actually build a system. So now you need ALL the standard tools, PLUS VA, and maybe Cafe Duet.
Or, you could just leave VA out of it altogether, I suppose, since it would only slow things down.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the idea behind VA to automate basic system setup, not to replace other AMX softwares?
That aside, it would seem that the intention of VA is to save time. Leaving out certain details for doing some SIMPLE edits could end up completely causing a net loss of time in any given project. I'd like to think that VA could cover the basics... I mean, if you are already using VA to capture a remote, shouldn't you be able to capture the whole remote? Or why bother to include that in VA, if you are extremely likely to need to go to IRedit anyway, which CAN capture the whole remote?
2) I already have requests to add IR Templates for more device types, like Audio Conferencer. Look in the devices section in the System tab and let us know which device types that you would like to see added in the IR Templates.
3) Or are you just looking for some open IR slots where you can capture the special codes?
As an example, I have a Sony DVD changer. It has a mode called "Easy Play" which puts the changer to a special position, and loads the disc there. If there is no disc, it opens the disc door. This is probably the most used button on the whole remote. The templates don't allow me to capture it. It is one button, but for that I have to leave VA, launch IRedit, maniplulate the file there... (and partially wonder why I was doing any of it in VA in the first place.)
Being mostly new to AMX, and having little commitment to the old tools, my inclination is to use the tools which are aimed at the future, yet VA seems like it really only saves any time if the device already exists in the device library. If it doesn't, then you have to use every other AMX software to make up for limitations which seem to be intentional in the software design.
I don't mind if a device module doesn't exist with Netlinx, in fact, I've never used one, because there never seems to be one for any of the devices we're using. I rarely even bother to look if command codes exist any more. I make my own IRL files, and code rs232 directly into my source. With VA, if the module doesn't exists (almost a sure bet), then you will lose time instead of gain it, so better to not use it at all, and not run that risk.
Like other posters, I'm not fully sure what the intent of this new tool is, but if it is ultimately to become the general system development tool, it will need to be a bit more flexible. Otherwise, I can't see how it will actually benefit anyone in terms of actually getting systems out the door.
VA is a nice start on a true control system IDE, but unlike IDE's for other types of applications, it doesn't stand alone, and it doesn't actually make the job any easier or faster. Just the opposite in fact. It adds another layer of incomplete functionality which must be supported by the stuff everyone is already using.
I spent today evaluating it to see if I should use it on any of the 5 rooms I have on my plate right now. The answer? Absolutely not - even for the simplest one. Why? Because the modules don't exist already for the specific device, and if they don't exist, using the old tools is sure to be faster, easier and more reliable.
I suppose I could look into writing the modules that I need - but why? I don't need modules, I need a control system. Faster to just put the code into my source. Manufacturers change models so quickly that modules don't look like they'll pay off either. If they are already made, and VA included ALL the devices I needed for my system, that is the only way I can see it offering an improvement to the current system.
By the way, I'm not meaning to be harsh - VA is very cool. It just can't do the job yet, and makes itself an obstacle in getting the job done, the way I see it. Yet a small amount of flexibility added in would go a long way.
Is there no way for me to Import the dozens or IR files I've already captured into VA?
The demonstrations at CEDIA made it look so complete.... The device library is terrible..... Not one Hitachi TV or Integra Device!?!?! (2 of my bigest lines we sell...)
There is a way to import all of your existing IR files into VisualArchitect. In the IR Capture dialog, select File\Open and browse to find your IR file. In the left frame enter the make/model/hand control and select the appropriate device type. Check the Properties in the right frame to see if you need to change any of the default characteristics like Discrete Power or XCH mode. Save the file to C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\IR Files. After you have imported all of your IR files, go to the Device Database Manager to Refresh the database. Now all of your imported IR files will appear in the Device list in VA.
There is an FAQ list on the AMX website ( that you might find helpful. Under the IR Capture section is a video clip that shows you how to import the IR files in VA.
Hope this helps,
Guys, I'm new to AMX so be patient with me. I created an irl file in IREdit copying and pasting the codes that I already had from another database for a DVD player. When I open that file in the IR and capture management section of VA and try to save it to create the xmd file, the file is not created. If I take any irl file from the AMX database it works find. Any ideas why is this happening?
Hi guys, I have the same problem as flcusat. I downloaded a Lutron IR file from AMX website (LUTRON02.irl) ; saved in C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\IR Files, then edited with IR Capture dialog cheking properties, saved as an lighting device and then refreshed the database. But the irl file doesn't come out, it's not in the VA list of devices. What's wrong?
To add an IR file to the VA device database, an XMD file must be created in the same folder from the IR file. The XMD file is created when the IR file is opened with IR Capture and Management (form VA) and re-saved in the same folder. My problem is that nothing happens when all this is done. No one project is opened, the database is refreshed, even rebuild, but the database remains original.
Thanks flcusat, I found how to do this and you were right: the file must be re-named, saved, then re-open the saved file (the new one with the new name) and re-saved again. Then, the XMD file is created.