Latest downloads

On the old web site the dealer.asp page used to have a list of the top 10 latest downloads which I thought was helpful in keeping up to speed when new revs of software and firmware were released. Where do I find that now?
I got to this page by clicking 'tech center.'
Actually, the Download Update page is the same list as used to be on the Dealer home page. We expanded the offerings to include separate lists for Applications, Firmware and Manuals. The entries are listed in order by date, which can be found under each link. We also added the related model numbers for each download.
The old Download Update list didn?t separate by Application, Firmware and Manuals; it just showed the latest 10 updates with dates and irregardless of type. It?s difficult to keep up with the latest versions of everything and having a list telling us what the last 10 changes are was very helpful, at least to me.
I like the content of the new pages and the layout of the web site but I do miss not knowing what the last 10 updates (for applications and firmware together) are by date.
I don?t know if I?m explaining myself properly or if anyone else cares about this but those are my thoughts.
I agree with Joe.
This was always helpful as a quick reference of
recent files without the need to scroll through the
who section and check all the dates and versions.
If you know you have downloaded files on a certain
date, then you can quickly see that if there is nothing
listed that is newer, you can stop checking.
We've added a page from the Download Update page that lists the Top 10 most recent Apps/Firmware. You'll also noticed that we added RSS feeds on our Download Update lists.
Very cool, Suzanne. Thanks. The other navigation links (firmware, application, and manuals) on the Top 10 page need fixing; they are pointing to bookmarks that don?t exist. Also the RSS feeds don?t appear to be working as of yet.
Thanks again.
PM me if it's still not working for you. Thanks!