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Upload IRL from Axcent3

Does anyone know how can I upload an IRL or IRV file from an Axcent3 controller.I tried to upload it through IREdit and in the middle of the procedure I get an error.

Any ideas?


  • Does anyone know how can I upload an IRL or IRV file from an Axcent3 controller.I tried to upload it through IREdit and in the middle of the procedure I get an error.

    Any ideas?

    This will not work with IREdit and AXcess hardware! It was possible with the IRLIB DOS-Tool, but you only got back .irl in some kind of binary form. You can't read any details (function channels used, function name, manufacturer, etc), So this was usable only for a kind of backup.
  • I need to upload an IR file

    Marc says the only way to upload an IR file from an Axcent3 is to use IRLIB, and it won't work on WinXP. IRLib is no longer available for download from www.amx.com.

    Does anyone know any other way?

    Can someone send me the installer for IRLib? PM me please if you can.

    Does anyone know how to make it work on XP?

    Does it work on Win2K?

    I suppose I could learn it from the A3 just like I do with a remote, but I don't have an IRIS to hand. Any bright ideas anyone?

  • joshjjoshj Posts: 4
    uh netlinx studio does this just fine (irl files)...

    send to device x where x is your device number in the program...
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    joshj wrote:
    uh netlinx studio does this just fine (irl files)...

    send to device x where x is your device number in the program...
    I believe they are discussing the other direction - retrieving an IR file from the controller.

    I have found it very common for different interpretations of "upload" and "download" to cause confusion. Both terms depend on what you are using as the reference device: your computer or the controller. Either can apply, depending on your regference, for the same transaction. So, to aviod confusion, I tend to do what AMX does in NS, and refer to the transfers as "send" and "receive" as in "send to the controller," and "receive from the controller."
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