Image software
Thomas Hayes
Posts: 1,164
Hello everyone
I've started to make more of my own custom icons and was wondering what software that everyone is using to do so?
I've started to make more of my own custom icons and was wondering what software that everyone is using to do so?
Gee Wally...., wouldnt' it be real neat if there was button image editing stuff built
right into the touch panel software?!?!
I bet some other guys are already doin it.
I don't know Beav, I dont think you can just mix stuff together like that!
Well... anyways.., it would be real neat.
Vectors allow you near-infinite resizing capability. You can very quickly resize a button to accomodate any changes necessary.
Also, Fireworks' layering system makes perfect sense for a touchpanel design.
I see Fireworks dying a slow death ever since Macromedia was taken over -- no reason to put any more resources into a $300 program when your company owns an $800 program that does the same kinds of stuff.