NXT/D-CV7 Backlight Issue
in AMX Hardware
Anyone else had this happen. I've got several 7" Modero's where the panel will go to sleep, and then some time later, the backlight will come on and stay on, even if the panel is still in sleep mode with no image. I have experienced this both with in-wall and Table Top installations. I've tried back-dating the firmware to a mid-2005 installation with similar results.
I'm leaning towards a firmware / hardware bug because I do not have this problem on 7" Modero's that are of an earlier vintage installed in the same customers other homes.
The motion sensor is disabled in this instance as well.
Thanks, Brad
I'm leaning towards a firmware / hardware bug because I do not have this problem on 7" Modero's that are of an earlier vintage installed in the same customers other homes.
The motion sensor is disabled in this instance as well.
Thanks, Brad
Jeremiah James:
Thanks for the note... I'll give the dim setting a try and see if it cures the problem.