Transfer kpb file into Mio-R2 ??
in AMX Hardware
Dear all,
When I tried to transfer kpb file into Mio-R2,
I meet a problem.
When my kpb file is > 133 bytes , it always stoped at 132 bytes.
I simplify my file to 81 bytes , the action is done , but it don't change to new profile(press button can't display right words) >.<
What's wrong with R2 , or my PC...
p.s.the firmware is the newest v1.07
When I tried to transfer kpb file into Mio-R2,
I meet a problem.
When my kpb file is > 133 bytes , it always stoped at 132 bytes.
I simplify my file to 81 bytes , the action is done , but it don't change to new profile(press button can't display right words) >.<
What's wrong with R2 , or my PC...
p.s.the firmware is the newest v1.07
I have the same problem - when I try to transfer the font file - it dies at 133 Bytes. Baud rate makes no differecne. When I try to transfer from Studio - the transfer fails, and it doesn't even report that it did anything (failure, success, or otherwise) in the transfer status list. Any input would be great - this remote is for the showroom, and I want the labels to work.