RS232 Port - Max Data
in AMX Hardware
I know we had a number of issues with Netlinx unable to handle large amount of data on the RS232 ports. I found out through trail and error that port 2 on NI4000 was only port that was able to handle the data that was coming from a RUNCO projector - Status feedback (Runco VX1000 through 5000). I forgot the amount of data but it was enough to create problems in the other ports. My question is has AMX resolved the issue. Can the current NI series able to handle large amount of data on the RS232 or are we still going through the current batch before we see the new batch of NIs?
I have go back and figure how much data that projector was sending back. The Runco's have been changed so that it does not send back every bit of information. Therefore I cannot give you the amount of data. I just know that I was loosing data when I sent in a Status command except when I used port 2. My buffer so all the data. If I used another port I will only see part of the data stored in the buffer. So I am thinking the problem is with the port. I tried a number of NIs and all of them do the same. It seems like there is batch that has issues.
I would like to see your code - I guess you are just waiting for the buffer to fill up with the data you wanted.
The new batch of NI may have this problem corrected but I cannot confirm this yet.
I have found this problem occurs on any port on a Ni3k when integrating to an ADA Suite 16 or 8X8. The data coming into the COM port of the Ni is @ 19200 baud and is one short burst of approximately 120 characters. This causes the Ni to lock up. This problem was confirmed after hours on the line with tech support. The only way we found to avoid the problem is to add an NXC-COM2 card to the system?an expensive work-around. Is there a fix in the works?
Robb W.
The system I have on NI's only have 1 chasis, I do have a 2 chasis system on an NXI that seems fine. If I'm also using other ADA pieces like the Cinema Rhapsody or Trinity tuner I use the ISO-Cat II to talk to them on a separate port.
Now that I think of it, I'm using an older version of the AMX module before they implemented the ability to talk to Cinema Rhapsodies and what not on the same port. It's version 1.6
And not clear on what you mean when you say you make a room change from the front of the Suite 16? Do you mean you have your computer connected to the front port and the AMX connected to the back port? As far as I know you cannot connect to the back and front db-9 ports on the suite 16 at the same time, you can't even have the pyhsical connector in or the Suite 16 will not work.
Of course it would still seem odd to lock up the AMX, and there's probably a problem there, I just want to make sure I'm not going to run into the same problem.
I found that the NI-2000 also has similar issues. I had one connected to a Polycom Vortex EF2280 that was set in Acknowledgement mode. In this mode, it reports every internal change that occurs (lots of data). Even with buffers of 1000 bytes or more, I found that the NI-2000 would fail with random problems. Usually, it would simply stop processing pushes on Axlink. The program would appear to keep running, just no button presses from online devices. I solved the problem by turning off ACKMOD in the EF2280. But I suspect that any device that sends big chunks of data can cause the same problems. It sounds from these posts that this is an inherent problem of the NI product line. I hope AMX comes up with a firmware fix, as this problem cost me a day and a half on-site before I realized what was occurring.
A colleague verified this with a "Ni lockup" test environment.
We got a NI master beta firmware to fix that, and it seems to work now.
But I don't know when the official firmware will be released.
I remember getting into a heated discussion with another user here a while back on a similar topic, and I wound up writing code that hammered an NI-2000 with a burst of around 4096 bytes without any problems - at least not on port 2. If this is still an issue - as it appears to be - I'd like to know what I'm doing that prevented me from having this problem.
- Chip