Axcent3 IR too long
in AMX Hardware
Hi everyone,
I am programming an Axcent3 system that controls a Lexicon DC-2 Preamp and I am having some trouble regarding volume up and down.
If I use TO commnad, it jumps 7 dbs on each single press.
If I use RS-232 SEND_STRING or PULSE, I don't have continuos volume up and down.
I've tried the SET_PULSE_TIME command but is useless for TO command.
Using the original remote or the code learned by me Philips Pronto, everything works fine.
It is interesting that I never had this problem with other receivers or pre-amps.
Any help is appreciated.
Bruno Bondarovsky
Rio de Janeiro
I am programming an Axcent3 system that controls a Lexicon DC-2 Preamp and I am having some trouble regarding volume up and down.
If I use TO commnad, it jumps 7 dbs on each single press.
If I use RS-232 SEND_STRING or PULSE, I don't have continuos volume up and down.
I've tried the SET_PULSE_TIME command but is useless for TO command.
Using the original remote or the code learned by me Philips Pronto, everything works fine.
It is interesting that I never had this problem with other receivers or pre-amps.
Any help is appreciated.
Bruno Bondarovsky
Rio de Janeiro
Two possibilities I can think of:
1) There is a flaw in how the IR was captured. You might have success re-capturing the signal.
2) It's just a quirk of the device, and you will have to replace your TO command with a SP and use the ONLINE event and CTON to set the pulse timing. I wouldn't use SET_PULSE_TIME and PULSE, because that is a global cahnge, and CTON can be set per device. On the RELEASE, send a CP witha dead IR channel to prevent it from continuing to ramp if too many commands were queued up by the SP comand.
I've tryed the IR from AMX database and one I've capture from Pronto. IrEdit says they are the same. It works fine with the Pronto.
Both SP and CP sends only one pulse and another (empty) one when I release the channel.
I think I don't have ONLINE event in Axcess.
I've seen this behavior under Axcess before and I improved it using ON and OFF in a push/release statement rather than a TO. In the case I had the IR file was ok.
This will behave like a TO, but we had a system where the behavior was in fact different.
In that instance, the speed of mainline seemed to play a significant part in the way the two behaved - my job was a big code...multi room sys full of shared VC etc.
Also, as a slight aside, I have noticed a significant difference between the effect on a device of using, say, a TXC16 and a TP coded as follows.
I have noticed the two device pushes don't issue identical amounts of IR. Probably related to how the AXR RF is handled on the network I would guess.
What device are you controlling the system with?
Also, perhaps you could try activating the ir file from IREDIT and mouse click the on/off control quickly to see if it improves your volume behavior. This should tell you if the learned file is capable of running like this.
I'll try all your suggestions in my next visit and let you know.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,