AXM CA10 firmware problems
in AMX Hardware
Hi to all
Im returning to AMX programming after a break of 6 years or so, after dealing with CREs...ron so although i class myself as a novice im not totally in the dark. Anyway, Im having problems with a 10" CA10 touch pannel. The unit has i suspect lost some of its internal firmware after having been stored for a couple of years.
What it will do
I can create buttons and get to all the internal menus on the panel.
Netlinks studio 2.1 sees the device at ID 127 ( via AXlink) and i can use the buttons i make on the panel activate events on the Axcent 3 it is conected to.
i can connect to the panel using TP design 3 ( Via AXlink ) and it says its sending design files. These files however are not displayed on the touch panel.
What i cant do
I have downloaded the latest firmware file (952Bt200.tsk) but i am unable to use the Netlink studio firmware updater to let me connect to the device.
When i select the file i want to send to the device the software asks me to "perform a query for the online devices" This i do but it doesn?t find any. If however i de-select the file i wish to transfer, the list of devices reappears. I have tried to do the same with an AXB-Net device and firmware file and the same thing happens....
It also seems that the RS232 port isn?t working properly. Although the port opens it returns an error ( error level 4) when trying to connect to it using TP design 3.16.
Is there any way of using a terminal emulator to send the firmware file?
Any help is much appreciated
Im returning to AMX programming after a break of 6 years or so, after dealing with CREs...ron so although i class myself as a novice im not totally in the dark. Anyway, Im having problems with a 10" CA10 touch pannel. The unit has i suspect lost some of its internal firmware after having been stored for a couple of years.
What it will do
I can create buttons and get to all the internal menus on the panel.
Netlinks studio 2.1 sees the device at ID 127 ( via AXlink) and i can use the buttons i make on the panel activate events on the Axcent 3 it is conected to.
i can connect to the panel using TP design 3 ( Via AXlink ) and it says its sending design files. These files however are not displayed on the touch panel.
What i cant do
I have downloaded the latest firmware file (952Bt200.tsk) but i am unable to use the Netlink studio firmware updater to let me connect to the device.
When i select the file i want to send to the device the software asks me to "perform a query for the online devices" This i do but it doesn?t find any. If however i de-select the file i wish to transfer, the list of devices reappears. I have tried to do the same with an AXB-Net device and firmware file and the same thing happens....
It also seems that the RS232 port isn?t working properly. Although the port opens it returns an error ( error level 4) when trying to connect to it using TP design 3.16.
Is there any way of using a terminal emulator to send the firmware file?
Any help is much appreciated
Concerning firmware it exists two versions of main board inside and so two different versions of firmware exists for them so you should check serial number on it and it should allow you to select correct firmware here You'll perhaps need Softrom to do correct update of firmware on that device through an Axcent master or through direct RS-232 connection to panel.
Last thing, if panels is few years old without use, you should change internal batteries that are probably dead, it won't hurt to change them, and then you go to SETUP to properly setup panel once changed (very easy, just remove screws under main part of panels, remove one screw that hold the board and changes the two CR-2025 or 2032 batteries
Hope it helps
As I said, I've never actually seen one, but this manual suggests that there was such a thing as a G2 AXM-CA10:
see p. 3.
Nope it's a mistake on first page of that doc as it quotes only G3 and TPDesign3 in all document and if you look in Software History or new AMX-PI, you'll see first production firmware was already G3 version
Thanks for all the info.
You are right about the batteries as it comes up completely uncalibrated on switch-on and says that some of the memory has been lost and reccomends reuploading the program.
Regarding Softrom
Im having trouble getting it to talk to the CA10. How does this program talk to the device? Is it through the CA10's 232 port? or via AXlink?
Im running on winxp-pro , do i need to do anything special to get softrom to work.
Lastly im using a standard RS232 lead for talking to the CA10 with only TX, RX and ground connected, does it need a special leed?
Thanks again
Julian B
You can upload firmware to G3 devices either through an Axcess master or through direct connection to panel if it has a RS-232 port (as CA10 for example).
Win XP could be an issue as it doesn't have anymore a true DOS but an emulation and some DOS programs don't like that !! Don't you have access to a win98 or Win2000 computer just to be sure ?
You just need a cross cable, with RX on one side goes to TX on other side, TX on first side to RX on other side, and ground straight and that's all.
Verify speed setup in Softrom is compliant with panel if it's direct connection (you can adjust speed of program port of panel in SETUP of panel), or with speed of RS-232 port of axcess master you are using. What Axcess master are you using ?