Send_string 0,
Posts: 49
Can any one explain the use of SEND_STRING 0, ?xxxxx?
What the situation to use this?????
What the situation to use this?????
Usage of this is mostly for debugging.
a SEND_STRING 0,"'Hello World',13,10" will output the 'Hello World' to programming port, so you can view it with RS232 Terminal or Telnet.
To see that SEND_STRING 0,".." you have to enable message output by terminal command:
MSG ON<enter> -> turns on master runtime messages and the SEND_STRING 0 thing
MSG ON 2<enter> -> no master runtime messages but SEND_STRING 0
Hope this helps,
As you can see, I can tell what commands I have sent to the projector, how the module actually sent it, and what the response was. If you interperse your main code with little notifications that identify what actions are taking place (like "Boardroom panel requested projector One to Computer Two input"), it can be very helpful figuring out what went wrong if anything does ... especially if you are logging on to the system remotely and can't actualy see what is happening.