Firmware For Break Out Box
in AMX Hardware
Im trying to determine the number of my breakout box for a firmware update. The panel is a 1200VG. It is numbered 11112 on my system. The RGB Breakout Box has an 0ID16 next to it.
Im trying to upload the new version via Netlinx Studio and im typing in 11112 into the device and 16 into the system number.
Its not working..Any assistance? Please
Im trying to upload the new version via Netlinx Studio and im typing in 11112 into the device and 16 into the system number.
Its not working..Any assistance? Please
As these accessories don't appear by themselves on bus, you have to transfer firmware to tarrget panel which they are connected to, that'll forward firmware to accessory concerned. I invite you to check manual of Modero VG panels that gives page 130 and further all details to do that
Hope it helps