Programming Port of NI
in AMX Hardware
I tried one NI3000 which cannot be communicated through its RS232 programming port. At the end of the day, I discovered that this NI3000 is working fine with baud rate at 115200.
I am using USB to COM adaptor, most NI controllers are working fine with default baud rate 38400. But I have come across a few NIs which I cannot connect with programming port. Anyone has the same experience?
I am using USB to COM adaptor, most NI controllers are working fine with default baud rate 38400. But I have come across a few NIs which I cannot connect with programming port. Anyone has the same experience?
I hope this helps.
Let us know and good lock
This is from manul:
Program Port DIP Switch
Baud rate settings
The Program Port DIP switch is located on the rear of the Integrated Controller device.
Use this DIP switch to set the baud rate for the Program Port, according to the settings shown in the
following table. Make sure the baud rate you set matches the baud rate set for communication
through your NetLinx Studio before programming the Controller?s on-board Master.
By default, the baud rate is set to 38,400 (bps).
Program Run Disable (PRD) mode
You can also use the Program Port DIP switch to set the on-board Master to Program Run Disable
(PRD) mode according to the settings listed in the table below.
PRD mode prevents the NetLinx program stored in the on-board Master from running when you
power up the Integrated Controller. PRD mode should only be used when you suspect the resident
NetLinx program is causing inadvertent communication and/or control problems. If necessary,
place the on-board Master in PRD mode and use the NetLinx Studio program to resolve the
communication and/or control problems with the resident NetLinx program. Then, download the
new NetLinx program and try again.
Baud Rate Settings
Baud Rate Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8
9600 bps OFF ON OFF ON
38,400 bps OFF ON ON ON
57,600 bps ON OFF OFF OFF
115,200 bps ON ON ON ON
Note the orientation of the DIP Switch and the ON position label.
DIP Switch positions 2,3, and 4 must remain in the OFF position at all times."
The NI3000 I came across was brand new and it didn't work even the dip switch was set to baud rate 38400. There was not a problem if the dip switch was set to 115200.
However, other controllers are working fine with my USB to COM Adaptor.
It could also explain your issue.