Best Practices for LEVEL Feedback - Chime In
So here's another one of my "What's the best practice for doing x in NetLinx" questions. In a multi-touchpanel, multi-source project, statically linking device volume levels with touchpanel levels become unattractive because you have to create a seperate volume bar/button for each and every volume device and then DEFINE_CONNECT_LEVEL for each touchpanel level to each device level. This situation becomes impossible when you start dealing with a house with 20 or so thermostats each with levels for heat set point, humidity set point, outside temp, inside temp, etc.
The 2 options I see are thus:
1) Dynamically combine and uncombine levels as the user switched between thermostats or volume controls.
2) Use variables to track the value of each level and update the display at points you desire
The first option seems really nice to me since the update is taken care of, but I haven't been able to get it to work. The second works good, but doesn't seem very elegant to me. It requires extra memory and I have to worry about when to send the touchpanel level updates.
What do you think? 1, 2, or option not presented here?
The 2 options I see are thus:
1) Dynamically combine and uncombine levels as the user switched between thermostats or volume controls.
DEVLEV vdvTP1VOL = [32000:1:0,1] DEVLEV vdvTUNER1 = [32001:1:0,1] DEVLEV vdvTUNER2 = [32002:1:0,1] ... COMBINE_LEVELS vdvTPVOL, {vdvTUNER1} ... UNCOMBINE_LEVELS vdvTPVOL COMBINE_LEVELS vdvTPVOL, {vdvTUNER2}
2) Use variables to track the value of each level and update the display at points you desire
LEVEL_EVENT[vdvTUNER1] { volTUNER1 = LEVEL.VALUE CALL 'UPDATE_TPs' () // Update touch panels displaying that level at the moment }
The first option seems really nice to me since the update is taken care of, but I haven't been able to get it to work. The second works good, but doesn't seem very elegant to me. It requires extra memory and I have to worry about when to send the touchpanel level updates.
What do you think? 1, 2, or option not presented here?
The way I dealt with it didn't really fit with either of your examples, but was probably closer to your #2. First of all, I had the thermostats running in their own module, which kept track of all the pertinent data for each stat: temp, humidity, setbacks, timer values. All these values were written to a set of arrays; I would have much preferred structures, but I wanted to use persistent variables, and I wanted it to be modular enough to transport to other projects, so I had to settle for seperate arrays grouped by data type. One of the arrays tracked which thermostat was currently displayed (if any) in each panel. When a different thermostat was selected, or the thermostat page was not displayed, I updated this array accordingly. Then, in the feedback section, I would run through each panel, check what data was appropriate to update, and send that data to that panel. That way, only one leve was needed, for example, for a temperature display, for each panel, but I sent different data appropriate to what was being looked at. No combines necessary, just a timeline to refresh the data and make sure it was appropriate. My timeline ran once a second, more than frequently enough for thermostats.
Is this the "best" way? I don't know about that, but it seemed appropriate to the devices. If it were volume controls, I would be more inclined to send all my data to a virtual device with all the levels and such, then dynamically combine the virtual to the panel when selected. I tend to decide these things on a case-by-case basis. Thermostats are relativatly slow devices. You aren't likely to get a huge change in data in a short time (and if you do, you might be thinking about running away rather than examining it on the touch panel
I use a PERSISTENT STRUCTURE to store all the volume/treble/bass/source/etc for each room. The panels are updated as they enter to view the selected room.