TPD3, AMX AXT-CA10, axcess3, IRedit

Our courthouse just purchased a new DVD/VCR combo for one of our court rooms. I connected everything and mechanically, it works fine. This unit replaced a VCR and I am using the same IR connector on it. It is registered as device #10 on our Axcess3 unit. I could not find IR Codes for it online and do not have the AMX IR Eye so I used my iPaq to receive the controller codes in hex format. I used a program called Remote Controll II. I saw on a forum note that this was possible if you copy each button hex that shows up under the ir edit database and paste into a text file. I saved it on my SD Card. I put the SD Card into a reader on my PC and pulled off the text file with each button code that i want to use. I am very confident in the button codes being correct. I can use the ipaq to manipulate the new dvd/vcr combo device. I imported each section of code into IREdit using the Discreet IR import and created a new remote with the ir codes located inside. I matched the code line numbers (device IDs) to the appropriate ones already on the touch panel, having the file opened in TPD3 that I downloaded from the touch panel via rs232. I had to add more buttons to the design and used the codes menu to see the device numbers that were still available to map to. I made sure that matched up with the numbers on my IR database file. Uploaded the IR database to device 10 using iredit, then the new tpd3 file using that software uploaded back to the touch panel. The screen comes up and the page that I edited shows up fine but none of the buttons work.
Is there something I am missing? Do I need the source code from the Axcess 3 unit? If so, I am stuck because it won't download any of it to my laptop and the company that originaly put this together for us is located in Alabama while we are in Kansas. I can send the files on request, maybe there is something that I have done wrong or just dont know about? Any help would be greatly appreciated so we can get these new units up at our other locations as well!
Chris Sapp
Is there something I am missing? Do I need the source code from the Axcess 3 unit? If so, I am stuck because it won't download any of it to my laptop and the company that originaly put this together for us is located in Alabama while we are in Kansas. I can send the files on request, maybe there is something that I have done wrong or just dont know about? Any help would be greatly appreciated so we can get these new units up at our other locations as well!
Chris Sapp
The first thing I check with an unresponsive IR device is whether the IR light on the Axcent3 is flashing when my butoon is pressed. If it's not, you have a dead IR channel, or something wrong in the code. If it is, then the probelm is in the IR file or there is a problem with the emitter. That will also verify that it's going out on the correct port.
I've had rotten luck dealing with hex representations of IR codes. Often, there is more to it than is published that is assumed, or automatically taken care of by the target device (which may be the case with your iPaq) that does't port over to the AMX file. I think the IREdit hex editing capacity needs a little more help in this regard. If it's not exactly right, it's not going to work.
I would strongly recommend you get yourself an IRIS, it's well worth the investment if you are going to be working with AMX equiment. Then you could just capture it from your iPaq. If that's not an option, AMX can do the capture for you, or someone here might be able to (I'd volunteer, but I don't have an iPaq to load your working IR file on). If you can make it work on a Marantz RC5400 or Philips Pronto and post the file, then I could help you.
Thanks again,
How much does AMX charge if I send them my remote to program an IR file? I've got a Sylvania DVD/VCR Combo model dvc865F with the remote model NB177. I am going up to test the IR port stuff now on the accent3 device and will post my results.
Thanks for your help!
A standard null cable should be fine. I frequently use a stock cable with a null adapter. I would think if it was your cable you wouldn't even get half there. I think your IR file is corrupt.
What is the exact make and model of your device? It could be someone here has an IR file for it already. I don't think AMX charges if you send them a remote, but you can't expect real fast turnaround either.