NXC-VOL4 and Bargraphs
Hi guys,
I have to control a NXC-VOL4 unit...nice!
I'm going to use 4 bargraphs, one for each channel (used as mono channel), but have some trouble making all the things together. Here's some code...
No signs of life from the VOL4 unit...am i missing something?
ps: screenshot of gui attached
I have to control a NXC-VOL4 unit...nice!
I'm going to use 4 bargraphs, one for each channel (used as mono channel), but have some trouble making all the things together. Here's some code...
DEFINE_DEVICE vTP2 = 33002:1:0 vVOLUME = 33003:1:0 MIXER_CH1 = 32001:1:1 // NXC-VOL4 MIXER_CH2 = 32001:2:1 // NXC-VOL4 DEFINE_VARIABLE DEVLEV dvlVolume[] = { { MIXER_CH1, 1 },{ MIXER_CH1, 2 },{ MIXER_CH2, 1 },{ MIXER_CH2, 2 } } DEFINE_START COMBINE_LEVELS(vVOLUME,1,vTP2,2,dvlVolume[0]) COMBINE_LEVELS(vVOLUME,2,vTP2,3,dvlVolume[1]) COMBINE_LEVELS(vVOLUME,3,vTP2,4,dvlVolume[2]) COMBINE_LEVELS(vVOLUME,4,vTP2,5,dvlVolume[3]) DEFINE_EVENT LEVEL_EVENT[vTP2,2] // 2= level assigned to bargraph1 LEVEL_EVENT[vTP2,3] // 3= level assigned to bargraph2 LEVEL_EVENT[vTP2,4] // 4= level assigned to bargraph3 LEVEL_EVENT[vTP2,5] // 5= level assigned to bargraph4 { SEND_LEVEL dvlVolume[LEVEL.INPUT.LEVEL-1],LEVEL.VALUE }
No signs of life from the VOL4 unit...am i missing something?
ps: screenshot of gui attached
You are supposed to use two DEVLEVs
It looks like you are trying to use the keyword
Other than the mute structure, that is all I basically use, then use the levels in the TP, to do the rest.
BTW, that is a nice graphic of the volume, did you design that ?
Thanks for your advice...now it works correctly!
Yes: i made the graphics by myself...want to see something more? See files attached ;-)