Mio Keypads
in AMX Hardware
I just want to share this with you all...
I just finished a job with many Mio Elite and Prestige keypads.
They look very nice and stylish. No complaints there.
However, mounting them can be a nightmare. They are extremely picky about mounting. If your wall opening is just slightly un-flat you will have trouble snapping the keypad into the mounting ring. Warping the device just slightly results in buttons being pressed full-time by the faceplate.
On several of them, I used "box extenders" to create a flatter surface for the keypad. However, this results in the keypad not mounting perfectly flush to the wall.
For the price of these things, I hope some more thought may get put into the mounting system.
My $.02
I just finished a job with many Mio Elite and Prestige keypads.
They look very nice and stylish. No complaints there.
However, mounting them can be a nightmare. They are extremely picky about mounting. If your wall opening is just slightly un-flat you will have trouble snapping the keypad into the mounting ring. Warping the device just slightly results in buttons being pressed full-time by the faceplate.
On several of them, I used "box extenders" to create a flatter surface for the keypad. However, this results in the keypad not mounting perfectly flush to the wall.
For the price of these things, I hope some more thought may get put into the mounting system.
My $.02
A while back after many complaints on the mounting bases flexing too much and causing buttons to stick, etc., AMX updated the base (at least on the single gang keypads) so it is thicker and less likely to flex. It's either aluminum or pot metal now, I'm not sure, but it seems to work much better.
At any rate, it appears that the two-gang keypads may be still shipping with the older style base which is nearly impossible to get mounted correctly without causing buttons to stick all around. We got a two-gang Elite only about a month or so back, and it has the crumby old-style base, yet we have been receiving Prestige keypads for some time now with the updated base.
If anyone has received two-gang elite keypads (or others) with the new-style aluminum base, could you post and let me know, please? Until the bases are updated, I'm going to make sure our sales dept doesn't sell any of them.
The last batch I got of two-gang prestige has metallic back plates. They were ordered about three months ago.
yeah the new single ones are great and save a lot of hastle.