Need Help Getting Started!
in AMX Hardware
NetLinx Studio not communicating with Master.
Setup: NXI Controller with NXC-ME260 card. Having trouble getting them to talk. Has anybody got suggestions for some rookie troubleshooting!
I'm trying to program using the front port of the NXC using RS232. The pin-out I'm trying (DB9) is 2=RX, 3=TX, 5=GND, 7=RTS, 8=CTS. I'm using the same for connections at both ends - the laptop COM port and the NXC..... Does this cabling sound correct?
I can't see any other errors in the setup.
The serial properties are all the same on the Laptop COM port and on the Master/NetLinx...
Baud Rate: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
I know it's amateur stuff but any help is greatly appreciated.
Setup: NXI Controller with NXC-ME260 card. Having trouble getting them to talk. Has anybody got suggestions for some rookie troubleshooting!
I'm trying to program using the front port of the NXC using RS232. The pin-out I'm trying (DB9) is 2=RX, 3=TX, 5=GND, 7=RTS, 8=CTS. I'm using the same for connections at both ends - the laptop COM port and the NXC..... Does this cabling sound correct?
I can't see any other errors in the setup.
The serial properties are all the same on the Laptop COM port and on the Master/NetLinx...
Baud Rate: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
I know it's amateur stuff but any help is greatly appreciated.