Sinteger to Integer & odd error?
Posts: 4,368
In the below code block I been writing as part a module (include file) for reading and writing to the CF card, basically the C:\ drive. Off subject slightly but on the CF you normally read and write to the "user" directory (C:\user) which is the directory you FTP into. Through file_dir commands you can go up a directory using /../ to the main "C:\" directory where the program folders and files live. Question; how to access this through FTP? I can open and display the contents on the TP through code but that's about it. I don't want to do anything with files other than examine them but requires alot more code and conversion to do on a TP. I'm just curious as to how I can view these from FTP.
Back on subject; In the code block I was having Sinteger to Integer warnings which were bugging me so I wrote the function on top to convert. Question, was I missing something simple/stupid I could have done to avoid this and eliminate the warnings or maybe do something differnent other than using this function?
2nd question; towards the bottom of the code block there is a line commented out in the switch case which creates this when compiling if not commented out:
I'm switching a Slong data type which matkes the thread title wrong as that's the same VAR but that's irrelevant. Any ideas as to why with this line uncommented I would get this compiler error with no line number reference or desciption. It had me baffled for an hour or more because I'm so burnt I didn't remember that I had just recently added that line before this compiler error started. Which is a problem when you do ten things and then try to compile, oh yeah and burnt.
It's just a F_in zero!
Back on subject; In the code block I was having Sinteger to Integer warnings which were bugging me so I wrote the function on top to convert. Question, was I missing something simple/stupid I could have done to avoid this and eliminate the warnings or maybe do something differnent other than using this function?
2nd question; towards the bottom of the code block there is a line commented out in the switch case which creates this when compiling if not commented out:
Starting NetLinx Compile - Version[] [08-31-2006 18:29:53]
C:\Documents and Settings\DVining\Desktop\DansDESKTOP\AMX\AMX_Programming\VAV_Office_Programs\VAV_Office_System.axs
ERROR: (0): C10580: Internal Error: Major system error occurred during code generation
C:\Documents and Settings\DVining\Desktop\DansDESKTOP\AMX\AMX_Programming\VAV_Office_Programs\VAV_Office_System.axs - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
NetLinx Compile Complete [08-31-2006 18:29:58]
I'm switching a Slong data type which matkes the thread title wrong as that's the same VAR but that's irrelevant. Any ideas as to why with this line uncommented I would get this compiler error with no line number reference or desciption. It had me baffled for an hour or more because I'm so burnt I didn't remember that I had just recently added that line before this compiler error started. Which is a problem when you do ten things and then try to compile, oh yeah and burnt.
It's just a F_in zero!
DEFINE_FUNCTION INTEGER fnConvertSINT_to_INT(CHAR iSinteger[]) { stack_var char cWaste [1] ; local_var char cTempNumber [6] ; cTempNumber = iSInteger ; if (find_string(cTempNumber,'+',1) || find_string(cTempNumber,'-',1)) { cWaste = get_buffer_char(cTempNumber) ; } RETURN atoi(cTempNumber) ; } DEFINE_FUNCTION CHAR fnFileDirectory(CHAR icFileDirPath[],CHAR iDoWhat []) { stack_var long nFileDirEntry ; local_var slong nFDirReturn ; local_var integer nConvert ; stack_var char cFileDirBuf [MaxFileDirBufLength] ; nFileDirEntry = 1 ; nFDirReturn = file_dir(icFileDirPath,cFileDirBuf,nFileDirEntry + nFEntryOffset) ; if (nFDirReturn > 0) { nConvert = fnConvertSINT_to_INT(itoa(nFDirReturn)) ; nFnumFilesInDir = nFEntryOffset + (nConvert + 1) ; if(iDoWhat != 'PageUpBtn' && iDoWhat != 'PageDwnBtn') { fnFResetPageNum() ; } SEND_STRING 0,"'FUNCTION fnFileDirectory. File_Dir inquiry returned successful! ',itoa(nConvert +1), ' files/folders found! line-<',ITOA(__LINE__),'>',crlf" ; fnClearDispFileList('NORMAL','FileDir') while(nFDirReturn > 0 && nFileDirEntry <= MaxDisplayFileList) { nFDirReturn = file_dir(icFileDirPath,cFileDirBuf,nFileDirEntry + nFEntryOffset) ; if (length_string(cFileDirBuf)) { stack_var integer nFileDirForF nFileDirForF = find_string(cFileDirBuf,'/',1) ; if(nFileDirForF == 1) { sFFList[nFileDirEntry].FileFolder = mid_string(cFileDirBuf,2,length_string(cFileDirBuf)-1) ; sFFList[nFileDirEntry].FFicon = 'folder' ; } else { sFFList[nFileDirEntry].FileFolder = cFileDirBuf ; sFFList[nFileDirEntry].FFicon = 'file' ; } nFileDirEntry ++ ; } } SEND_STRING 0,"'FUNCTION fnFileDirectory. File_Dir returned. Return = ',itoa(nFileDirEntry -1), ' + offset ',ITOA(nFEntryOffset),' Line-<',ITOA(__LINE__),'>',crlf" ; fnFLoadStructures('FileDir') ; } else { stack_var char cErrorMsg [100] ; switch (itoa(nFDirReturn)) { // case '0' : {cErrorMsg = 'directory empty or unkown directory error'} ; case '-4' : {cErrorMsg = 'invalid directory path'} ; case '-10': {cErrorMsg = 'buffer too small'} ; case '-6' : {cErrorMsg = 'invalid parameter (i.e. Entry points beyond the end of the directory)'} ; case '-12': {cErrorMsg = 'directory not loaded'} ; case '-5' : {cErrorMsg = 'Disk I/O error'} ; } nFnumFilesInDir = nFEntryOffset + 0 ; sFFList[1].FileFolder = cErrorMsg ; sFFList[1].FFicon = 'file' ; fnClearDispFileList('ERROR','FileDir') ; SEND_STRING 0,"'FUNCTION fnFileDirectory. Bad File_Directory return: ',cErrorMsg,'! line-<',ITOA(__LINE__),'>',crlf" ; } RETURN TRUE ; }
It looks like another example of NS2's difficulty in typecasting single character strings.
The error only occurs when the first case is a single character - it doesn't matter what the character is - and it's OK if the single character appears later in the sequence, or all of the rest of the cases are single characters too.
The type_cast comand appears to do the job OK.
The switch_case thing is just bizarre and I know it's going to come back soemtime in the future and bite me in the A$$ again. Unless I remember, yeah right.
I haven't run the code and debugged but it does compile and hopefully it works!
Revised code showing the modifications:
Anyone got an answer on the FTP thing!
Much thanks
I would suspect your SINTEGER warning is being triggered by one of your arithmetic operations. If you add (or whatever) different data types, the compiler tries to convert them to like data types first, but sometimes the algorithm it uses to do this fails. Your error is coming from the compiler trying to convert data to a form it can't manage without potential data loss. Signed data types seem to have this trouble the most. Without pouring through the code, I would say you are trying to add an INTEGER to an SINTEGER (or perhaps an SLONG - it started a conversion and one of the intermediate conversions hung it up). TYPE_CAST or convert all your operands to the same data type and it won't fail. This is also safer in that you can choose the conversion to make, not leaving it up to the compiler and its precedence rules, which may not be exactly right for your situation.
As for your SWITCH block - try putting the CASE 0 after the negative numbers. SWITCH seems to behave better if the CASEs are in order. If that doesn't fly, just conver the whole thing to a SELECT-ACTIVE block. They are much more versatile (if not as elegant). I often feel like we are missing a good deal of info about exactly how SWITCH-CASE works, and what it will accept and what it won't.
With the switch_case, I believe that was the order descibe in the
File_Dir keyword help file and the zero I added because ocasionally I get a return of zero so it was more for my information than anything else that it was added, much to my dismay.
In regard to the switch_case order I usually would put the most likely case first so it exits quicker and doesn't waiste time making needless comparisons. Not that my code is all that effecient but this I thought was a simple approach to expidite it. Now if there was some document that said it's better to arrange the case in a logical order I would, and obviously there's a numeric logical order to literal strings as well but as you stated, we don't know how they work and what if any thing would help them work more efficiently. I would love to know!
Last I checked, switch/case couldn't be used within any type of wait.
program_name = 'Fred'
integer a = 1
wait 20
switch (a)
case 1:
send_string 0,'hello world'