Meeting Manager Lamp hours
Anyone know how to setup Meeting Manager to report more than one lamp? Have projectors with 2 lamps, others with 4 lamps. My code is polling projector and parsing the lamp data. Just need to send the lamps to Meeting Manager. For rooms with single lamp projectors I have it working fine. Just need to tackle the multilamp projectors. With Code-Crafter can I just define additional lamps to monitor? Will they all show up in lamp hour reports?
May be the following will help u. Have a look
char sProjResponse[100]
integer nLampHour
SEND_COMMAND dvProj, 'SET BAUD 19200,N,8,1'
sProjResponse = data.text
sProjResponse = set_length_array(sProjResponse,length_array(sProjResponse)-1)
nLampHour = atoi(sProjResponse)
RMSSetLampHours(dvProj, nLampHour)
clear_buffer sProjResponse
on [dvTP,1]
off [dvTP,2]
SEND_STRING dvProj,"'CR3',$0D"
on [dvTP,2]
off [dvTP,1]
You can add a second lamp to a single projector with CodeCrafter easily using the "Add Parameter" window. Simply add the parameter to the Projector Device and name it accordingly. CodeCrafter will create a function wrapper that allows you to place your polled lamp hours into the function and it will appear under your projector as a second lamp.
I hope this helps!
Doug Hall
RMS Product Manager
Seems this would add a parameter which I could name Lamp2 or whatever. But will it show up in lamp hour reports?
Good point, the next best method woulf be to add a second projector and as he same device and plug in the second lamp hours. I believe that would give you the necessary empirical data.
I would assume I need to make the '2nd projector' a unique virtual device. I don't think I can have the same device show up twice. Anyway, this should give me the lamp hours into the reports. Also have heard that future upgrades to MM may support muliple lamps in a device directly.