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Multi-state bargraph options available on a MVP-7500 but not a MVP-8400

Is this me or has anyone else experienced this?

In my panel file for a 7500, I have a multi-state bargraph button for the signal strength feedback for wireless. Just like in the system page. I import this button to a 8400 and the option for the secondary network interface; Signal Strength is not available under the Level Code property. If I leave it alone after importing it, it will show as blank but still work sometimes. Other times, it will not feedback the wireless signal strength. This seems to be a problem with the 8400 format as it works fine and that option is available for the 7500. This goes the same for Link Quality as well as some other properties. Obviously, all of my attributes are the same across the board and what not as far as bargraph type, states etc. Anyone notice this or have I been programming too long in one sitting and I'm missing something?


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    How are you importing the button? I would suspect there is something going wrong with the process. As far as I understood, the firmware for the 8400 and 7500 are identical (both are loaded with the latest firmware, right?); it's only the display panel itself that is different.
  • alexanboalexanbo Posts: 282
    The firmware for the 8400 and 7500 forked with the latest set of firmware. Instead of importing from the 7500, perhaps try importing from the 8400 setup template?

    When you preview it in state manager do all the states show up correctly? Could be a problem with the colours they used.
  • BCalderwoodBCalderwood Posts: 35
    I'm not importing from the 7500 to the 8400. I'm importing from the system page template of the respective panel. Sorry if I didn't explain that well. Even in the system page template of the 8400 the programming properties for the level code is blank. When I copy and paste to the same panel but different page, the function has a tendency to get lost in the process and won't function in real time when downloaded. However, the 7500 will show the correct choice in the programming properties drop down box for the level code. It seems like a bug in TPD4.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    did you upgrade your firmware? the new firmware are seperate for 7500 and 8400, so maybe some things changed?
  • BCalderwoodBCalderwood Posts: 35
    yes, firmware is updated. Anyone got an answer???
    i have made it work with the most recent tpdesign4. i just copied the signal-strength button from the setup template to my top page, then, with the property painter (there seems no other way), I assigned the level 0,80 to my multi-state bargraph. but it didn't work unless I changed the NAME of my multi-state bargraph from "Button 10" to "None".

    I now have lovely multistate button that shows signal strength on the top page of my tp-layout. as on cell phones
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