Can a Button be Transparent to Touch?
I have a G4 UI on which there is an active touch bargraph. I have additional buttons on top of the bar graph that serve as a scale.
Is it possible to make the buttons on top of the bargraph transparent to touch so that the touch occurs to the bargraph below the top buttons?
Thank you.
I have a G4 UI on which there is an active touch bargraph. I have additional buttons on top of the bar graph that serve as a scale.
Is it possible to make the buttons on top of the bargraph transparent to touch so that the touch occurs to the bargraph below the top buttons?
Thank you.
TPD4 has some tools that wll make your life a lot simpler once you start doing things like this. FIrst of all, make sure you change the default button name to something that describes your overlay button. The default is to name it after the text, but that won't help you distinguish it from the button under it. This is important, becuase you may have trouble selecting your overlya by clicking it, especially if it is somewhat hidden. WIth a unique and easily identifiable name, you can use the pulldown list on the properties box to work with it. Also, you will want to use th z-order buttons so you can move it around, which will help you to get it to display exactly how you want it.