MIO-DMS Dynamic List Channel Feedback
in AMX Hardware
Hi... Does anyone know if it is possible to have an item in a dynamic list box on a MIO-DMS keypad indicate channel feedback (in the way that a general button can). Since the dynamic list items have unique port/channel numbers, it would seem logical that the associated text can indicate the channel status, but I can see know obvious way to do so.
In the above code block that I'm practicing with the LDT sets the last column to hold channel data and then at the end of the LDA send_command I set the port and chanel data for that column for that row. It seems they should have a channel feedback type as well as the port & channel. ,"FB_Type,PORT,CHANNEL"" or possibly a seperate column all together right after the "Key" column for feedback options.
I must say these list box commands are a bit confusing but that's because of the vague instructions and the MySQL-ish database manipulation capabilties might be useful although I'm not sure when, concidering most servers we'd be pulling data from would be doing this for us if we wanted it. Besides how much fun would it be to try to search for data containing the letters or word "John" from one of these keypads any way.
I'm kinda bummed that I can't indicate which current list item is selected or playing.
FYI in the code block above I'm sending duplicated data to two different list boxes one port 1, address 1 and the other port 19, address 2 just to see if list boxes were limited to only port one but there not.